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Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008

Karma "Who saved you?"

"What I menyelematkan is my good deed!"
"Is that possible?"
"What mean?"
"We Christians believe that we are saved by Jesus. The death of Jesus on the cross has redeem our sins."

"All sins? From Sin negligence because the small and big sins because of crime, for example, because killing people?"
"Yes, all sin!"

"I had heard that such. There was a young man who many times do evil. But he always escaped punishment. Oligarch Pulitzer father. Because my child, he always succeeded in removing children from detention. But" penance "by the father This has been damage to two things. First, the sense of justice community, especially the children become victims of crime. Second, the moral damage to children, because children did not learn about the meaning of responsibility. "

"Redemption sin does not permit us to do evil. We Christians must also do good. What I was up security in the world hereafter. What is being done by the father-in contohmu is also not in accordance with the principles of our religion. We also respect the law? ".

"If morality is so different from the world of morality Hereafter? For my religion Law of Karma applies well here in this world and in our later life after death."

Thus idalog conducted by two students who are following the education on a company. One Hindu and other Christians. They are friends one room. They often have discussions about religion, respectively. This way they expand horizons. And with a broader insight to grow their tolerant attitudes that actually.

Why people Good Support? .

Harold S. Khusner, a Rabbi (Reverend) Jews have been writing a book read by many people, title "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" means that when bad things befall good people. This book has been translated into the language with the title "Why Good People On?"

In this book with a very affectionate, Khusner depict a real event that befall them. He has two children, Aaron, male and Ariel, women. At the age of 8 months, Aaron began to expose the strange developments.

The development of the body is very slow. After bring them to various doctors finally known sons was suffering from progeria, a disease that causes a person to quickly become old and will die on the very young age.

Knowing this fact Rabbi Khusner very important. In accordance with the religious beliefs of each person, who was also in the sermon-kotbahnya, he is sure that those who do good, which according to the religious life will get better life, will be spared from the catastrophe pertaka. And vice versa, those who violate religious orders, which make sure crime will be punished by God.

He is a pastor. Past subjugate all his life to serve God, the holy book of the content to watch, Jews who become jemaatnya. Then why boys should be the only one suffering such. And Aaron, still children. Do not have been any crimes, especially crimes punishable. But why he was stricken with the suffering so great? Curate it feel to be treated unfairly.

Destiny or Karma?

Why do good people suffer! In this life we often see the hard reality is understood. Good people who suffer. Those who do not is not a lack of any kind. Many of those who suffered since was born, because of lack of good pisik and lack of mental or power it. Why should they suffer? Why does it happen?.

There are two explanations on what appears to be the "injustice" of this. The first is the Law of Karma. "And" we are determined by our own act. A new born baby that has brought the fruit from perbuatannya in previous lives.

The second is the doctrine predestinasi or destiny, which states that the fate of mankind has been previously determined by God. When God breathed the spirit of the newborn baby is still in the womb of his mother at the time, it's fate is determined. Whether it will become a happier person or a person suffering. In fact, whether he will later go to Heaven or Hell is also the incoming previously determined by God.

This confidence between the two seems the same. Where is the location of the difference.

Destiny said that the fates have been determined unilaterally by God, and what has defined his dirobah can not by humans. Destiny that must be traveled alone. I had heard lectures on television that say why the seller soto one bestseller is very soto seller that are not other behavior. Diajawab by the lector: because destiny of God. God intervenes directly to our life.

Law of Karma says the other, Now if only we who determine our fate. Let us explain this with a modality. Each company at the end of the year to make calculations were called closing the books. At the time dihitunglah costs (obligations, the debt-debt) has been issued, and income-earned income.

When the total cost lebh large income from the company called the loss. When income is greater than the cost of the company speculate. Based on the facts of this company is conducting activities this year. For a company that suffered loss, this year he should work harder so that he can not close the loss and continue their business in the years later. The companies are also still have to work hard so that he continues to develop.

Similarly, humans. When life in the past we more "debt", then our lives will now feel more weight. And we must work harder to pay off debt and the debt-capital increase for our lives now. If the karma-karma in our lives now will be felt more lightweight. But we must keep working hard. For if we sit malasan capital that can be greatly reduced or exhausted. Moreover, if we mishandle the capital, so he will not turn into heavy debt.

So that difference. Destiny can not be changed. When you show suffering, whatever you do there are still suffering. When you go to hell be thoughts and deeds will follow your destiny is. Meanwhile, we live through the karma can be changed. In the message wiracarita Mahabarata animal worms, through the business gradually grew to become the main man.

Three Types of Karma.

KB, we answer the questions Rabbi Khusner? Why a small child who is not guilty be suffering so great.
Destiny doctrine replied: "That's God's will" Why is God so desire. The answer: "There may be noble purpose behind the suffering experienced by the children." Why for a noble purpose of God destroy the life of a small child? May be answered: "The will of God we can all do not understand. Only he knows."

It's easier said that the suffering we caused by the will of God. It seems far more weight to acknowledge that we are suffering the consequences of our acts. But with that said the cause of God our suffering, we have cast our responsibility to God. In other words, we actually accuse him bekehendak wanton and unfair.

If the Law of Karma, according to what we actually only a natural fruit of our deeds, why small children who can not do anything to get suffering.

Based on the distance between the time the act is done and the results received, there are three types of the Law of Karma. Acts that result directly received in our lives now called Prarabda. The act in our lives now that the results we are receiving life or the birth of the future called Sanchita. The act that we do in our life that is the result we receive now called Kriyamana.

Does the Law of Karma we have to bear the results from the act of our parents. Does the Law of Karma with the sins of posterity.

In this world there is not a punishable criminal child, entered the prison because of mistakes his father. We do not assume karma from our parents. But it is true that our karma affected by our parents.

For example, if our parents to become director of the bank that we will get large facilities. We live in the house better. Able to continue to pursue higher education in the schools better. We respect the family environment. But if we then Mr. sentenced to imprisonment because, for example, the wealth of misusing the bank, The tasted bad. We feel ashamed in the community. The luxury home we may also be involved. But the prison entrance but our fathers. Basically, each person must be responsible themselves up.

When we suffer we can ask our suffering be eliminated?

Law of karma is cause we can not neglect the Lord! In Bagawad Gita, for example said that our obligation is to do our tasks with the best of, not to determine the results. Prayer and prayer is a means to make our communication with God. Suffering often makes us feel closer to God.

When the suffering we are eliminated, not God means to take responsibility? He means not violate the Law of Karma?

A comparison may be able to answer this question. A dictator to rule according to His will own. He was subject to the law. His will is the law itself. He was to punish anyone who does not disukainya. Give gifts anyone of interest. No matter what they act.

A president based on the rule of law. Even if he makes the law with representatives of the people, he is subject to the law. He set the community through law. Thus did not mean the president and is not needed anymore. President still has many privileges. For example, the right to pardon or amnesty. Based on the considerations that certain someone is clearly guilty, can be given clemency by the President. For example, because the person penyesalannya states and will strive to improve the error.

But of course, not every sin forgiven. If each kejahtan forgiven, what does it mean justice? What's the point of law and law enforcement? The tit for the good, and the tit for what? Tit for the good. Dibalas with a crime must be a fair punishment, to bring to the actors about the meaning of responsibility.

Does the Law of Karma is the Law of vengeance?

Is a mistake if we see the suffering in the Law of Karma. When our friends are struck down difficulties we will say: "That karmanya." But when a friend's success, and we succeed in life, we rarely say: "That karmanya." But we usually say: "Yes, good fate." With so we behave as though happy when other people are suffering and are not happy senaliknya acknowledge their success.

Our success is also a result of our karma. However, as religious people we would all say this is only the grace of God only. But God will not grant us anything if we do not deserve the grace of God? Yes, good karma, karma us.

So the Law of Karma is not legal vengeance. Law of Karma only set causality, deeds and results. We like to plant trees. Bitter or sweet fruit picking that we depend on the trees that we plant.

Law of Karma guarantee the applicability of justice in human life. Without justice such extra ii is not useful. Without the Law of Karma is simply a religious tool consolation. As tranquilizer eliminate the pain but not cure the disease. Without God's Law of Karma is a pitiless dictator and masterful. Only respect, or fear that create high-handedness appears as a justice.

What is the meaning of the Law of Karma for Life We?

Valet soto less behavior and dogma to believe he will accept destiny with the Mother that is God's will is not sotonya behavior, and that destiny is also very soto friends are in demand. All that is God's will. When fortune-soto believe that the Law of Karma, he will not ask why sotonya behavior and why soto friends bestseller? Sotonya may feel less comfortable? sotonya price may be more expensive? Ways to serve buyers may not friendly? Kiosk or less clean.

Destiny ask people rely on Mother. Law of Karma make people must take responsibility for their own fate. Destiny may make people peaceful in passivity. Karma we take active responsibility for changing and improving our lives, even for that we need to confronted difficulties.

Brhadarannaka Upanishad.

Book holy Brhadarannaka Upanishad says "the desire formed the act, the act establishing the human fate":

In accordance with the act in his life, so would the human life. It is good to be good, the bad he became ill. And they say a man formed by his desire. In accordance with the desires such confidence. Thus in accordance with his faith perbuatannya. And in accordance with perbuatannya Thus it happens.

It says: A man with acts toward fate.
posted by Bali @ 08.19  
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