Moksha In this era of reform if we see the development in the community all people want to talk, each person would be given to speak to the concept macam2, kadang2 extremely little and there is no relevance to the reform, observers of the political, economic, legal, military, all speak with the field.
Problems that arise are all konsep2 can not diakomudir by the government due to differences interprestasi, who want to overcome in through the pertahap this crisis, there is a desire in total so that its implementation is still in the Trail and Error trying to try to do therapy kira2 which more sesuai.Pemerintahan Habibie kelonggaran2 have to give in to speak because of the new order in the freedom to speak is held sampai2 if there is such anecdotes toothache should be treated in Singapore, as a result of people can not open the mouth.
After tumbangnya new order problems of this freedom by the government politically tahanan2 begin exempt, regional military operation (DOM) began revoked, the problem began HAM restored, freedom of association began to be implemented with the establishment of many parties. Freedom is a human rights that need to be respected for every nation, to achieve freedom requires the sacrifice of a few do not.
To relieve the nation of Indonesia from Dutch colonial requires the sacrifice of many good materials as well as moral and requires a longer period of time, can not in the short history and a new record on August 17 1945 the Indonesian nation can proclaim independence struggle in terms of exemptions from the imperialist nations have done many years of struggle until the Sultan Agung Budi Utomo.
Freedom for mankind always by the binding regulations set by all religions and the Hindu religious freedom not only in the sense pisik but freedom in the birth and mind. Freedom in the Hindu religion is freedom in life irrespective of keterikatan2 duniawian, free from legal karma, reincarnation, free from back (reincarnation), so that people in the Hindu achieve freedom requires a long process during his life after reincarnation and the possibility several times. To free oneself from earthly pengorbanan2 this need, every step must be based on the movement of the life of Dharma is the truth and not tie themselves with the material. When the time is now Yuga orang2 race race to gather wealth, the purpose of their life looking for opportunities to collect property se banyak2nya when necessary to seven derivative, so use all the way. In collects property they use praktek2 KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), in a way that does not lead to a lawful state, so many injured when our country is more difficult utangnya how our children and grandchildren will pay it in addition to natural forest resources, mining is almost dikuras exhausted, oil backed up only 18 more years may be several years we as a country of net importer of fuel oil (fuel).
The influence of times Yuga is very large in the lives of people nowadays, because this time Yuga people are always meterialistis, only 25% of the people running the dharma truth is not like other yuga2 the Kerta Yuga, Traita Yuga and Dwapara Yuga. When the time is now time Yuga in this life we always carry the truth, namely, the dharma results will be doubled, as if we pray hari2 on the highway or Hindu Purnama Tilem results far greater than normal hari2. So the opportunity this time Yuga of Hindu nation should make every action must be based on truth, free themselves from adharma, free themselves from keterikatan2 free themselves from the mundane and materialistic, so we achieved the goal of freedom is eternal Moksha.
Moksha understanding.
In the Hindu religion, we believe the existence of the five Panca Srada confidence that consists of, Brahman, Atman, Pala Karma, Reincarnation, and Moksha. Moksha sansekreta language comes from the root of the word "Mazo" which means free or exempt. Moksha can also called Mukti means achieving freedom jiwatman the spiritual or eternal happiness. Jagaditha can also called the evidence means to foster happiness, prosperity and community life of the country.
So Moksha is a belief of freedom, namely bersatunya between Atman with Brahman. If people have Moksha he will be free from earthly ties, free from the law of karma and reincarnation free return (reincarnation) and will Sat, Cit, Ananda (truth, consciousness, happiness).
In life we now also able to achieve Moksha, which is called Jiwan Mukti (Moksha semasih life), Moksha means not only can be achieved and felt after the death, in life even now we can feel the Moksha kebebesan origin persyaratan2 Moksha done, so we achieve Moksha is not the time to wait until death.
Achieving Moksha.
To achieve Moksha someone must have persyaratan2 certain that the process can achieve Moksha running norma2 accordance with the teachings of the Hindu religion. In achieving Moksha can be done in several ways, namely:
1. Dharma.
In the teachings of the Hindu religion in the Chess Parusanta explained that the purpose of life is how to enforce the Dharma, every action must be based on truth there is no dharma higher from the truth. In Bagawad Gita Dharma and mentioned that the truth is the breath of life. Krisna in wejangannya to Arjuna said that where there is Dharma, there are VIRTUES and Purification, where obligations are adhered to the truth and there is victory. Those who protect dharma will be protected by dharma tempuhlah always the life of the holy and honorable.
In the current era of insane people ignore the truth, people have menghalalkan all the way to achieve the goal, is the moral crisis which act like a king whim which, truth and justice have been rare, people have no culture of shame, all perbuatannya considered correct and normal. Dharma never actually changed, Dharma has been there in the days before, the days now and the days to come, there throughout the period but each has a characteristic period lain2 in the exercise spiritual (spiritual). To Kerta Yuga good spiritual exercise is to Meditation, for the Treta Yuga kerochanian good exercise is to make Yadnya or sacrifice, to Dwapara training kerochanian which is good to do yoga with the ceremony to worship and Kali Yuga kerochanian good exercise is to conduct name Smarana the ngulang or repeat the name of a holy God.
2. The approach to shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa
To build the forward shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa some ways the people of the Hindu way ie Darana (set copyrighted), Dhyana (Copyright concentrate), and meditation (silence copyrighted). With exercise rochani, especially with the investigation bathin, will be able to realize the unity of God and enjoy nature that always exist in ourselves. When sifat2 God is inherent in ourselves then we are close to God so that all our application and we will be always be the protection and safety.
3. Purification.
To obtain the sacred knowledge, and embrace their shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa in the diversity expressed in the Upanishad prayer termasyur: Asatoma Satgamaya, Tamasoma Jyothir Gamaya, Mrityorma Amritan Gamaya that means, Tuntunanlah us from the false to the true, tuntunlah us from the darkness into the light, tuntunlah us from death to immortality.
Each kegiatan2 we do, a word we apply to the forward guidance shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa so we always safe and protected. Any job we do, when we work for the Lord and offered the forward shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa, the work has a very high value. By connecting with the work of the shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa, he became holy and has the ability and the value that high.
The objectives of the life that we are freed from Atman triguna and with the Atman. In Weda called the Moksartham Keep Dhitaya Ca ITI Dharmah that means is the purpose of religion (Dharma) is to achieve Moksha (Moksha artham), and the welfare of mankind (jagadhita).
Ciri2 people who have reached the jiwatman Mukti is. 1. Always get the tranquility of birth and bathin. 2. Is not affected by an atmosphere of love and grief. 3. Not bound by the mundane. 4. Not selfish, always keeping other people (many people).
To achieve Moksha also have tingkatan2 depending on the karma (perbuatannya) over whether life is ajaran2 accordance with the Hindu religion. Tingkatan2 someone who has reached the Moksha can be categorized as follows.
1. When a person has been reached with the freedom rochani leave corpses called Moksha.
2. When a person has been reached with the freedom rochani not leave the dead bodies but leave bekas2 for example ashes, bones called Adi Moksha.
3. When a person who has been rochani have a freedom that does not leave the corpses and not imprint called Parana Moksha.
Chess Clan.
To achieve Moksha some ways that can be taken in accordance with the talent and areas of digeluti currently called Chess Clan there is also the state with Chess Yoga is four roads that go to achieve Moksha. The fourth Chess Clan consists of:
1. Jnana Marga Yoga.
At present the role of science and technology (Science and Technology) determines the national development of science in addition to the other. Each country will strive to use energy resources to compete in the field of Science and Technology, who works in the Science and Technology that they control the world. Jnana means the word philosophy is the wisdom or knowledge, Yoga comes from the nerves YUJ word meaning to the self.
So Janana Marga Yoga artinyga way to achieve unity between the Atman or meeting with Paramatman (God) based on knowledge (wisdom whoops), especially the truth about themselves and the exemption from worldly ties (virtual). In this life we choose a profession we work with the talent provided by Sangyang shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa and the background of our education or a job that is very interesting that we geluti this time, because the talent given by God's grace is a very high value, which is the result of our Karma Reincarnation before we as human beings. If we want to combine a field of science itself, needs to be a science that can help mankind overcome in this life.
As an illustration can be presented as follows.
Now many people have difficulties in overcoming the disease, many diseases that have not yet found the medicine, such as AID, Lever liver, tumors, cancer and other other. The development of medical science can not pursue the disease 2, which arose in the community, hospital equipment are still using traditional tools so that the death rate in the country until now we are still quite high.
The doctors working in the areas of health must continue to do research or the Research and Development (R & D) so that all the difficulties can be overcome with better and cheaper with obat2 found that healing. Someone who has a profession in the medical field is called the Jnana Marga Yoga is the science that diabdikan for the sake of mankind.
2. Karma Marga Yoga.
Way or the way to achieve Moksha (bersatunya Atman with Brahman), with the always good, but do not expect the results to reward or self (amerih sukaning awah) called Karma Marga Yoga. In Karma Yoga Marga, we as a people every Hindu tactics we have to do the work for the interests of many people and not a desire to enjoy the result, because we always think the results will arise keterikatan2, if keterikatan2 has been growing in our lives, then the tranquility will be stray from reality, so that our people will diracuni Sad Ripu by six main human enemy, consisting of Kama, Lobha, Mada, MoHA, Kroda, Matsarya (napsu, greedy, dander, drunkenness, confusion, envy). In Bhagavad Gita repeatedly mentioned that Krisna said to Arjuna, do tugasmu, do the job right, but do not want to enjoy the results of the work. Krisna goal to give sermon to Arjuna that do not involving the hat it is the result, we as actors benar2 in the work of all the deeds we changed the karma yoga into these activities so that we bring to the union with God then this is called Karma Marga Yoga. If someone can do the work without seeing the result he will become the benar2 wise (Stithaprajna), which is not affected by the situation, and grief or joy and sad.
The act is karma, every person born from karma, karma and life in death in karma, karma source of good and evil sin, or virtue, profit or loss, happiness or sadness, karmalah actual causes of birth, the karma in life is a problem .
As can be illustrated as follows diceritrakan.
Diumpamakan our body is a wall clock, and we breath is pegasnya that can cause rotating clockwise, and baterynya is human. Without breath and energy, human beings can not do what berkarma namely, the act (karma) is highly dependent on the breath (spring) and energy (batery). With batery power (energy), then clockwise, which consists of three syringe needle that is the longest-called second hand, the middle-called needle syringe with needle minutes and the most short-called counter-clockwise. Third needle will be rotating with different speeds and different mutual dependence of each other, but masing2 needle will be rotating in accordance with its function.
When the second hand has been rotating 60 times the needle will revolve minutes only once, so when the needle minutes have been 60 times the rotating clockwise will revolve once so forth using multiples of 60. Every movement we umpakan second needle is karma (the act), a movement to the needle minutes umpamakan we are feeling and movement to clockwise umpamakan is our happiness. To achieve a happiness that we must continue to always do (berkarma) well, every action we cultivate a good cause we get a good stimulus so that we feel happy.
When we reached the feelings of joy continuously due we always do (karma), either against someone, then the cause we will achieve happiness, because karma (act), compassion, happiness and mutual relevance as the third clockwise rotating mutual dependence of each other.
The more we learner good karma, the feelings and happiness will follow as clockwise rotation, when the second hand does not move please do not move the needle minutes especially clockwise Kebahagian will be achieved in this life when we both always berkarma
3. Bakti Marga Yoga.
The road or way to achieve freedom, or Moksha, which is bersatunya Atman with God by doing the prostration staunch forward shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa. Bakti is the depth to the love of God, are without pamerih bit and without any worldly desire. For the Hindu nation to Bakti Marga Yoga nama2 harmony with God ulang2 learner, interacting with the Holy orang2 have loyalty, the concentration of mind at any time to God, and the road Bakti is the most easily made. As we do every day Trisandya by Gayatri mantras three times a day.
To instill a sense of Bakti forward the shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa, children should be educated to start small with Gayatri mantras, provide meaning and significance masing2 temple, so that they percolate in the mind and can lead ajaran2 truth (Dharma). If not memorize and should be read only earned with a soft voice, so benar2 trickle in the heart, and we think there is Brahman in the mind and renungkan continuously sing for Gayatri mantras With always toss Gayatri mantras continuously, then we as a trick with God or bersatunya Atman with God., so we get the tranquility, peace, safety and kesejahteraan.Dalam do Bakti Marga Yoga mainly ceremonial piodalan in Pura2 throughout Indonesia, the Hindu community has already devoted way ceremony (persembahyangan) by default, wherever we have arranged to do the same persembahyangan , And Gayatri mantras always dilantunkan before persembahyangan starts.
At the Reverend perform ceremonies piodalan also sung lagu2 citizens as the essence of the cult forward shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa, which has meaning is that before we started persembahyangan have started combining taste with Brahman Atman.
4. King of Marga Yoga.
Road to reach Moksha, according to the Hindu religion can be done through Tapa, Brata, yoga, and meditation. To control themselves by making latihan2 to overcome Sadripu called Tapa, Brata, as if we have Sadripu can handle the road more easily achieve Moksha. Besides controlling Ripu Sad, we also do latihan2 to be able to integrate with the Atman, which is called God with yoga and meditation, with the concentration to do exactly that in the local atmosphere and tranquility syandu perfect, so we can be with the Lord.
As can be illustrated as follows diceritrakan.
In a pesraman Forest in jungle there is a receipt that called Receipt Like the dharma wecana to provide murid2nya namely yoga, meditation among his murid2 there is a king named king Jenaka.Raja Jenaka beside the kingdom has a very large and rich also intend to study the spiritual (yoga, meditation) to Receipt Enjoys a very famous science spiritualnya. Many ujian2 given to the students to be able to achieve Moksha in the life of this leave the mundane with the release of all keterikatan2 so Atman with Brahman.Pada a day Receipt Enjoys rather late to give dharma in relation wecana King Jenaka there is a need very urgent that the kingdom which can not be represented . Like receipt intentionally waited Jenaka King, want to test the patience of whether students can rein sad ripu as basic yoga lessons.
Receipt of observation Like many of the students angry and restless and angry kadang2 arise not patient to wait until there is a lesson that the protests started, and why we ordinary people in beda2kan After the king came dharma king wecana new start and provide a receipt Like sermon, we must be ripu sad control so that we can bathin tranquility. After the dharma wecana finished the lesson continued with yoga, meditation, and this lesson should be done with full concentration of mind.
With an atmosphere only reposeful quiet voice jengkrik that seem, the students are eager to do yoga, meditation, tiba2 Receipt with a cry that there are fires in the city of the kingdom, murid2nya ran fled the disband the city to go to the kingdom wants to save property and the house fire. But the king did not Jenata life skills, he has entered in meditation, he was happy in the Atman.
Receipt observe the face with the king very happy. After several murid2 who fled back dikota that there was no fire and resipun explain the meaning of these events. Delays in starting wecana dharma is to respect the king, because he was and deracinate keakuannnya have pride and humility sadripu train control and work well and this needs to rest by all students. And the fire in the city of the kingdom never actually occurred, the fire is the engineering of Receipt and this is a test of Receipt Suka.Kalau would succeed as a spiritual (Yogi) should dare to release all the mundane keterikatan2, without any willingness to remove this keterikatan2 not possible achieved its objective, namely as a Yogi.
Latihan2 All this requires diligence, sincere iklas, kesujudan faith and without pamerih. In this akhir2 many young people have to do latihan2 yoga and meditation, and buku2 work for a new start learning yoga and meditation have been quite outstanding in many toko2 books, and the atmosphere is very helpful for people to learn Hindu spiritual problems through King Marga Yoga.
Among the four Marga Yoga above all is the same no higher position, a Hindu nation can choose from four Marga Yoga is masing2 depends on the talent and the way that one will deal with all the other will achieve the same goal, namely Moksha.
Starting the day in the life of Spiritual day often experienced constraints, many arising questions2, especially the younger generation, whether we are engaged in spiritual activities must reduce the property to search for work (karma). There is also the opinion that the spiritual activities should be done after the MPP (the preparation for retirement) in addition to a lot of time also the responsibility or obligation has been reduced. At the time working on a position where there is not possible to make the spiritual activities as busy with pekerjaan2 that sometimes diverge from the Dharma as a result of the tasks that need to take decisions in accordance with the needs of superiors (manajemen. In the case at the time menjabatlah opportunity to take advantage of the Dharma kebenaran2 enforce, every decision taken must benefit the community. Kadang2 many people who are not steadfast in collecting property in the field of work by taking a shortcut that is KKN (corruption, collusion, nep otisme), in the case in gathered wealth should not ber KKN road or how many of the original patient, and would remain based Dharma. Many rich people without KKN but their success in the professional field and the results of their rich they take advantage of many people to establish a foundation for people who are not able to (very poor) or establish Sekolah2 that can support the Education for the future of the nation of Indonesia.
To achieve Moksha can choose between Chess Marga Yoga whether through Jnana Marga Yoga, Karma Marga Yoga, Bakti Marga Marga Yoga and Raja Yoga with the ability and field digeluti At this time of war Berata Yuda finished where victory is imagined Thought, is all musuh2 lose the war Pendawa stay alive. Yudistira Thought leaders decided to go kehutan insulate themselves with a purpose build forward with the shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa King Marga Yoga one of the Chess Marga Yoga. Arjuna as a wise person who has the vision and mission far ahead Yudistira recommend the Prabu to return to lead the government, who will lead the kingdom, seandai all his family went kehutan Thought, in order to achieve victory in the war Brata Yuda uphold Dharma is the sacrifice of many good soul and body, which has many pahlawan2 cottage in the war.
To achieve Moksha does not have to go kehutan do meditation, yoga, in the kerajaanpun do with the truth and uphold the Dharma can achieve Moksha. Linkages are MoHA, freedom is the Moksha, for we are still suffering bound, Moksha can not be achieved. Kadang2 it was difficult keterikatan2 release, and this requires latihan2 regularly. Sad to control Ripu not easy, requires patience and perseverance, and we always do introspection on ourselves to where we have to do latihan2. Moreover, we will melakuan Chess Marga Yoga indeed require respited mentality that is not easily surrender and we must know our capabilities, especially the talent Happy Valentines by the shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa that in implementing one of the Chess Clan we do not get obstruction or obstacles, so with a relatively short time we have can do with the perfect, albeit not achieve Moksha, but we already feel the results. |