Reincarnation With age the earth has become old and the longer the human population increased, land, human life is not changed, how people can live with limited land.
If we see the country is agricultural country, to keep the number of the population of Indonesia has over 200 million people will be needed in the preparation of the GBHN will be oriented to agriculture. Based on pengalaman2 our nation in tackling the food crisis of this nation where we are because of poor countries, including income percapita Indonesia as a result of the Monetary Crisis (awake) of less than U.S. $ 500, so the group including Indonesia has been poor in this country awake before we Income per Capita already exceed U.S. $ 1000.
In this era of reform nation experienced some of the most serious crisis the problem is food, there are some areas have experienced hunger, food prices jumped every day, in terms of purchasing power of people is very rendah.Pemandangan is the capital city of Jakarta is very sad, if we come out of home to the office as we enter the wilds of many binatang2 buasnya, when we use private vehicles must always be vigilant, from crossing the road is what many people anak2 gather the traffic that we must be ready with hundreds of rupiah, more delicate, beggar, hawker newspapers hold-up man is a diffuse one, so we kadang2 confused, security diibu city is very critical Drive diibu city must hati2 because most users are not disciplined way traffic, does not comply rambu2 stuck in traffic and where where, then we are not vigilant very dangerous , Then there is a term that is the capital of the more sadistic stepmother.
Both the worst characteristics of a community in a city can be seen and observed tertibnya traffic, the good and orderly traffic progressively better community city, the cultural community must discipline it is grown from traffic so that the law can benar2 position.
Discipline traffic it was difficult by the Indonesian community and the legal risks clearly, let alone discipline to follow the teachings of the religion of human hukumnnya not felt immediately in accordance with the law karma. From some of the problems faced by mankind today, so the longer the human life in this increasingly difficult, although the development of science and technology (Science and Technology), which can rapidly be used by humans, but the evidence in the human face of globalization only a few countries have many difficulties kehidupanya nation to maintain some countries have experienced hunger.
In the Hindu religion we know of the existence of a causal law or causal called Karma Pala, which is due to legal reasons, legal action reaction, law and business results that apply to the entire universe. If we speak legal problems would not be norma2, kaidah2 used to manage well the relationship between people with the most power, the relationship between humans, the human relationship with nature, the relationship between people and countries so that all can run with harmony. An incident is the result of an event that terkaitan each other. Each event there is a certain event or through a process, as is the life of mankind, human beings before birth have a process, according to the Hindu religion kepercayaa that human birth is a process or Punarbawa Reincarnation (Samsara).
Reincarnation synonymous with Punarbawa or Samsara. Punarbawa derived from the Sanskrit word from Punar that means back and Carry a means of birth. So Punarbawa is a belief about the repeated re-birth or a birth process that's called the incarnation, reincarnatie or samsara.
If there are repeated re-birth means that there is a death or a recurring back rearrange life are repeated. It sound strange but real, birth can occur repeatedly reset several times without limit.
Krisna in the Bhagavad Gita says: "O Arjuna, you and I have been repeatedly re-born before this, I only know that while you do not, the birth would have been followed by death, and death will be followed by birth.
Through the Atman as Brahman spray, makluk can enjoy kehidupan.Akibat Atman there is the life of this world and Atman in the process turn the learner will move and move back repeatedly by using a different body through different Reincarnation (punarbawa / samsara) is back as the embodiment makluk.
At the time the fetus is 4 months, with the Atman is already wrapped with the Animal Triguna, rajas and tamas. How is the Atma can turn all makluk such as human, animal and tumbuh2an. Forming a human consists of five elements called Panca Most blind, namely land (country), water (apah), fire (madeinitaly), wind (wind) and ether (akasa) after the fact to get the Brahmans at the time in the womb can live and be human Jiwatman called.
But without Atman human life and may not be as human as makluk now ini.Hubungan between Atma is with the body, such as clothes we wear, we are Atma and clothes are our body. When the clothes were so outdated clothes dicampakan will not be used again, and we (Atma) will search for a replacement clothes this is called the reincarnation process.
As Krishna said to Arjuna, that you are the user of clothing but not the clothes you, you, of the house but you are not home. You know the field, kshetrajna, but you consider yourself field is kshetra. So you have to equate them with Atma always remember the Atma, Atma is Brahman and Brahman is the Atma.
Semasih Atma wrapped with Triguna the Atma can not unite with the Brahman and Reincarnation through the process in the region Bali if there is a new born children, parents or family will come to the Reverend to ask who numitis (Reincarnation) to the world with ini.Pendeta a ceremony that will provide answers to the numadi (Reincarnation) to the world is deaf queen (grandfather) has died. It noted that tanda2 pisik baby rather similar grandfather as the eyes, eyebrows, nose and so forth, as the baby still not be expected to be taken whether sifat2 the same grandfather may appear after the big new characteristics taken from the grandfather.
As can be illustrated as follows diceritrakan. In a village there is a very naughty child, he always steal some time, so police entered the office. Binggung parents who are always dealing with the police, especially the cost to menebusnya not less. Diwacakin suggest that there are (made of ceremonies) to naughtily lost or changed the name because if children are often replaced if sakit2an name will be healthy this belief, or moved kelain place dititipkan kepanti care or other families.
But the decision taken moved dikota other dititipkan same family close to changing attitudes. After several months happen again with the same case. There are states that, the talent that nubadi (reincarnation), or rather the extremely saying if children catfish and catfish also jadinya.Kalau we observed the Sciences, such as Albert Einstein, a born talent is talent on the life of tools, is visible from a small Sciences talent as large as in the previous life when he has to carry the scholarly he can not directly in the life now that there will carry from birth.
Similarly, the large seniman2, before the birth earlier in life have been active berseni such as painting, dancing, so that the reincarnation of life during this talent is still carried on, so kadang2 famous people such as invisible autodidak without learning they can do and vice versa sukses.Demikian, who continue with the diligent study in the field of science but not muncul2 OF or the now famous in the kehidupannnya, may be later after the apparent reincarnation new results.
Because karma is not necessarily done now can be enjoyed now, may be able to enjoy life in the future, or some difficult times reincarnation determined time limit.
In law, there are three types of karma karma which is based on the time of the karma that received the nutmeg
1. Prarabda Karma is a deed which is done at the time of life now and received in life right now. Humans in general always want what is done at this time the result can be enjoyed at this time also because of human kadang2 not wait to enjoy the results. Krisna in a conversation with Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita Summary, Krisna do tugasmu always teach and conduct all sucikan, Arjuna you have a job, do! But do not enjoy the results of the work.
Krisna here is not that there will be no results. Certainly no fruit, but fruit is not a funeral, you can not do. Therefore, the core teachings Krisna is tugasmu you must do, but you must do so without imagine the results.
2. Kriyamana Karma is the act that made this world, but the results will be accepted after the death dialam breed. I imagine that what it produces now must be the result this time also because people always expect results from perbuatannya. As an illustration can be described as follows. We wish to make in life after death dialam breed, to get a place (house) is good, then in this life we start to collect sedikit2 bahan2 buildings such as brick, wood, roofing and forth with good and always works for in this life so that when the life in the hereafter house has been completed. But the results of our weary toil for a living in this world we will be able to enjoy later dialam breed.
3. Sancita Karma is the act that made this world now that the results will be accepted on the birth (reincarnation) that the world will come ini.Karma nutmeg can not be determined when it can be enjoyed or punishment that should be implemented. whether at the time of reincarnation first, second, third and forth as the reincarnation does not have a time limit. King of impunity Destara only blind eye reincarnation after tens of times in their lives due membakar100 first ever live bird with its mother panahnya own life became blind as a result of smoke on the eyes and nutmeg karma (punishment) is run king Destarata after hundreds of years.
At the time of Reincarnation people will bring karma2nya tools, whether good or bad karmanya of Atma in the womb are wrapped with the previous karma2 still adheres born and brought up to and during the life didunia.Reinkarnasi karma and the law is interrelated with each other and each other one lainnya.Reinkarnasi will bring legal karma, and karma for the law still adheres to the Atma will make the process of reincarnation.
Unless the law have been exhausted karmanya the Atman with Brahman will be called the Moksha.
The law sifat2 karma is as follows:
1. Law of Karma a abadi already there since the start universe was created and remain valid until the universe experienced pralaya (Hour).
2. Universal Law of Karma is, applies not only to humans but also to makluk2 and the whole universe.
3. Law of Karma fixed since the days of the first creation, the days now and also for the era that will come.
4. Law of Karma is perfect, fair and not avoid that.
5. Law of Karma applies to all exceptions makluk not against anyone.
Reincarnation process.
Reincarnation described the process as a lap wheel that rotates from the top down, and then rise with age did not stop. Wheel of reincarnation this turnaround affected by the law of karma brought by the Atman with Brahman disinari through Triloka (three places) is Bhur, Buvah and Svah. But in the Gayatri Mantran Tri shop known as a very important place for the process of reincarnation.
Om Bhur Bvah Svah Tat sawitur varenyam Bhargo dewasya dhimahi But Dhiyo yo praco dayat
The first stanza of Gayatri Mantran have kesaktian unusual for that to greatness as a manifestation of Brahman always lacalderarock us so that we can with the fact through meditation. Bhur means Bhur local physical nature, that our body is made of five elements called Panca Most blind, namely land (country), water (apah), fire (madeinitaly), wind (wind) and ether (akasa) and the fifth element of this form prakriti (natural). Bhuvah means bhuvah local nature, it is also a freshman bhuvah Sakti.
Nevertheless freshman Sakti can only turn the body because of the Prajnanam. Weda holy Scripture says Prajnanam Brahman means the awareness that God is always intact and complete forever. Svah means swarga paradise where the local deity. The process of reincarnation is the start of Svah shop, where Atman mendapt ray of Brahman and Atman, which are wrapped with Triguna born and then blossom in Bhuvah shop as a human formation which consists of 5 elements, namely Panca Most blind, after a man died in the Atman born Bhuvah shop .
However reincarnation did not stop birth continuously follow a line of the cross in the Tri Bhuwana. In the process of reincarnation Atman continues to revolve, diatara Tri Bhuana, the duration of each shop is not in accordance with certain karmanya and this is determined by Brahman.
There is a difference of one shop (the world) that the other one is determined by the percentage of elements from the Panca Butha Most of the shop itself. We termasuh Bhur Loka, which consists of Panca Most blind, but that most elements are Prthiwi (solid) and the elements apah (liquid), while fruit Loka (Pitra Loka) or a world dominated by roch many elements apah (liquid) and madeinitaly (rays), while Swah Loka (Dewa Swarga or local) many of the elements madeinitaly (rays) and wind (air).
Karma nutmeg will always follow the Atman ply Tri Loka, when karmanya good at living as a human, then karmanya will be taken when the man back into reincarnation and also vice versa. Good and bad living a long life in the shop can also determine the type of so penjelmaannnya whether human or animal in the birth of the future. Any act caused this former (final) in jiwatman and bekas2 act (karma conclusion) that there macam2 learner.
If bekas2 only bekas2 worldliness, the jiwatman and tends to be more readily drawn by hal2 keduniawiaan so jiwatman born kembali.Misalnya life at the time of death there bekas2 living in luxury jiwatman in the Hereafter is still jiwatman Issue with luxury living, so it's easy jiwatman kedunia withdrawn again.
When someone has benar2 perfect world, this perbuatannya the Atman will be out of the rotation and Tri Bhuana with Brahman, which is called Moksha. A human dewapun if one will again become a reincarnation as a human ceritra where there is a king named Surya Mahabhima descendant of the king, he became the god of reincarnation as a result of his horses do the victims and survivors penobatan thousand one hundred. After some time he disurga menghadaplah to Bhatara Brahma and the other deities are the Goddess Gangga.
At the Goddess Gangga Bhatara to face with a Brahma was lower garment tersingkap by the wind, and all the deities present flag does not dare to look, Goddess Gangga flag that embarrassed embarrassed because malunya.Tetapi Mahabhima look Goddess Gangga with full terpersona, and Brahman Bhatara see it with angry and dikutuknya Mahabhima to become human and marry Dewi Gangga, because perbuatannya not in heaven, and Dewi Gangga with blues leave heaven and live together as human Mahabhima.
Reincarnation truth.
If we do not deepen the concept of Atman and legal karma (karma nutmeg), the reincarnation as a trust of the re-birth of the learner back in the Hindu religion rather incredulous, for the fact that we see is a man born only once in his life.
Once we deepen the concept of karma and the law Atma (karma nutmeg), we are clear that reincarnation is a re-birth of the learner with the re Triloka through the Bhur, Bvah, Svah. Reincarnation is can be evidenced in the lives of people in a Hindu ceremony and make life as follows.
1. Hindus believe the people beside the Panca Srada as Tatwa philosophy or religion Hindus also perform ritual ceremony that is religious. In the Hindu ritual worship people believe the Panca Yadnya consisting of the Gods Yadnya the cult to Hyang Whidi Wasa, Pitra Yadnya to worship ancestors, Receipt Yadnya cult to the receipt or pandita, blind Yadnya cult to life and dance, makluk last Manusa Yadnya cult to safety mankind. With we believe there Pitra Yadnya is holy to provide victims of our ancestors, because we believe that our ancestors are still living world of fine (other local) and will be born again with other agencies.
2. Hindu nation in implementing its ajaran2 also make funds Punia, such as people put aside, because we believe that this act will bring happiness after death, if people have died does not mean that Atman is not this mean there is life after death is another life after life on the loka.maka savings on the shop was saved during the life of the world can enjoy the karma2 good.
3. Wade in the life of this Hindu nation seeks to uphold the life of the Dharma, because life is always based on the dharma will reduce dosa2 that had made life before this time. With always good to each other, with life expectancy in the shop the other will be better.
4. Humans in general, always fear the arrival of death, human beings with all the ways to keep health care always with the hope that the process of death not too fast so that they can enjoy a long life. Fear human face death is a sign that many are suffering at the death of another in life that have been already.
5. A new born baby usually after a few days can be taught without sucking milk of his mother, the baby of the new born since the milk to suckle his mother denotes an experience that has been experienced in their lives that have already.
6. The fact that the man born as a learner bagai2 craze called hobby and until this moment can not be examined from sebab2 relish in the birth of this now, then this shows that there is pengalaman2 in their lives that sudah2 that can not be reminded again as a source.
7. A new born baby crying, this signifies that the baby is already know that human life as many penderitaan2 result of dosa2nya, then this shows the pengalaman2 in the previous life before birth as a human being.
At this time Yuga equal competition to collect property by using all means, which kadang2 not realize that they have far rails deviate from the ethics of life. Norma2, kaidah2 forgotten their religion is soluble with pleasure that are temporarily without thinking that will ultimately result in the next life if we observe the development of the reform akhir2 is still visible by the way, all the reform bogged program2 total.
To reveal kasus2 KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism) until it is not currently visible results, chop Habibie government was not there but the results appear OF. The influence Yuga times in the life of nationalism and state and socializes very large, the problems have emerged OF SARA. Bali island that is famous life full of harmony and peace has begun to visibly shake as a result of the harassment by the Hindu religion AM Saifuddin (Women Food and Hatikultura), and for the future may be the nation we will have some bumps again, if the government can not overcome the problem kesulitan2 good political, economic hankam, law and religion completely, especially when we will be facing elections next year.
How to anticipate the situation is not stabilized akhir2 this, where people are faced with several Hindu sufficient complex problem with the harassment of Hindu religion that causes people to Hindu guncangan2 quite heavy didaerah especially Bali, which occurred many Demonstration of Safe.
Perhaps the best done by the people in accordance with Hindu ajaran2 Weda is to make Mona Brata is one of the Brata contained in the Dasa Niyama Brata. Mona is a nature kata2 control, and not say a word at a certain time, words must be controlled because the word means very large in life, happy (like) or miserable (depression) by the word of life depends, as stated in Nitisastra as follows:
Wasita nimittanta manemu Lakshmi, Wasita nimittanta starch kapangguh, Wasita nimittanta manemu dukha, Wasita nimittanta manemu partners means that, by the words you'll get the Americans, the word you will find death, the words you'll get kinda, the words you'll get a Landscape.
Mona Brata is the determination of attitude does not speak some time. Tefekur without speaking, Davis, the sayings and eyelash linked the forward shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa, with our diligent approach and concentration to make back the power to always be given the protection and safety.
All kejadian2 natural that we currently are due to a process that akumulatif. An event will not occur when there is no event that caused it. The difficulties we face today is the result of karma in the past we or our karma that we are now picking this time also. Hindus believe the people of the three places Triloka consisting of Bhur shop, shop Bvah and Svah shop, currently we are on the Bvah shop.
So that our lives will be better from now on (Bvah shop), the best time for us to reduce our dosa2 time in the life of tools, so we always uphold the truth of Dharma. Although some of the nation's crisis, but we as a people remain Hindu create good karma and participated in overcoming the difficulties faced by Indonesia.
Dharma country we continue to hope that with the Straighten reincarnation in the shop next to be better than in the shop which we live today. |