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Kramaning Sembah
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Understanding of Worship, Muspa, Mebakti
The definition of worship is respectful attitude with a sense of loyalty and resignation outright.

According to the Hindu religion that every human birth and the debt has already called the Tri Rna.

That can save:
Ida Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa
The deities
The Receipt
Bhatara / ancestor.

Attitude of worship.
The attitude kramaning worship in the worship according Muspa with a guide book for people who are prepared by the Hindu girl I Ketut Kaler published by the Position of Hindu and Buddhist Religion Province. Bali 1970 / 1971, and the book Upadeça 1981 / 1982.
Special homage to the attitude Receipt / Sulinggih coverage by hand or in any mepes ulu between the heart and chin.

Interest, can be equipped with kuwangen

In accordance with the guidance book Muspa / Upadeça books mentioned above.

Worship in the implementation of the Panca Yadnya is adjusted to whom worship is directed.
Special time in the Tri Sandhya Mantram attitude memusti hands in front of the ulu hearts.
Special to pray / ngastawayang for corpse / spirit of someone who died by standing upright on the attitude of Asama mamusti in the navel.

Kramaning Worship

Prayer is done to glorify God's people. Many kinds of prayer, when conducting the review, in what ways, by what means and where and with whom to do so. Stability in the hearts of conduct prayer, to help smooth communication and that no spiritual pemuasan Computing. Stability hearts that we can only be obtained when we believe that the way our prayer is there, know the meaning of the moment and every step of the way.

Here is the prayer guidelines set by the Hindu Dharma Mahasabha Parisada to VI.

Preparation prayer
Preparation prayer include birth preparation and mental preparation. Preparation born include a sitting posture, breath and the attitude of the hands.
Included in the preparation of birth, it is the supporting infrastructure, such as prayer clothes, flowers and incense while the preparation is mental tranquility and sanctity of thought. Step-step preparation and prayer facilities are as follows:

Preparation prayer include birth preparation and mental preparation. Preparation born include a sitting posture, breath and the attitude of the hands.

Similarly, the preparation of supporting facilities such as prayer clothes, flowers and incense while the preparation is mental tranquility and sanctity of thought. Step-step preparation and prayer facilities are as follows:

1. Asuci like
First clean the body with a bath. Cleanliness of the body and affect the coolness born THE HEART

2. Clothes
Clothing prayer time so that the cultivated clothes clean and not disturb the peace of mind. Clothes that are loose or tight, the garish colors should be avoided. Clothing should be adapted to local dresta, that does not attract the attention of people.

3. Interest and kawangen
Kawangen interest and a symbol of chastity, so that cultivated flowers fresh, clean and fragrant. If the persembahyangan no kawangen can be replaced with interest.

4. Myrrh
Apinya incense is simbul Sang Hyang Agni, witnesses and escort us to worship Sang Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara. Each yadnya cult and not escape from the fire. Incense should be put in such a way that does not endanger our friends around us. Done persembahyangan incense should be quenched and removed.

5. Seating
Seat seat should be sought not to disturb the peace prayer. The direction is to sit facing pelinggih. Once completed persembahyangan earn standing with the tidy and polite, so do not disturb the people who are still sitting prayer. If possible to make the cushion such as mats and so forth

6. Attitude to sit
Seated attitudes can be selected in accordance with the place and circumstances and not disturb the tranquility hearts. The attitude sits well for men is the attitude padmasana the segment is same sitting posture and body upright. Attitude to women is seated attitudes bajrasana the attitude bersimpuh sitting with two feet occupied heel. With this attitude into the body upright. Both attitudes are very good to calm the mind.

7. Attitude hands
Attitude is good hands at the time of prayer is the ladle ing kara kalih the second palm dikatupkan placed in front of the crown. Kawangen dijepit or interest on the fingertips.

Precedence worship
Precedence worship both at the time of prayer or worship together, led by a Sulinggih or Acting is as follows:

Precedence worship both at the time of prayer or worship together, led by a Sulinggih or Acting is as below:

1. Puyung worship (worship with empty hands)
Om Atma tattvatma suddha Good svaha.
Om Atma, atmanya this fact, clean servants.

2. Sanghyang worship Sang Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara as Aditya
Om Aditisyaparamjyoti,
rakta madeinitaly namo'stute,
sveta pankaja madhyastha,
bhaskaraya namo'stute

This means:
Om, solar rays are most intense,
Thou shining red,
kindly on,
You are in the midst of white lotus,
Sincerely rays of the manufacturer.

Facilities interest

3. Ista worship God as God in the day and place persembahyangan
Ista God means that God desired presence at the time of his worshipful devotee. Ista God is the embodiment of God in various peer-existent him as Brahma, Visnu, Isvara, Saraswati, Gana, and so forth. Therefore mantramnya various accordance with the God glorified in the day and place. For example, on the day of Saraswati who is adored by Saraswati Goddess Saraswati Stawa. On another day that glorified God with other stawa-stawa for another.
In general, such as persembahyangan on persembahyangan day Purnama and Tilem, God is a glorified Sang Hyang Siwa is everywhere. Stawanya as follows:

Om adhisthannaya name Deva,
sarva vyapi vai sivaya,
padmasana ekapratisthaya,
ardhanaresvaryai namo namah

This means:
Om, to the Gods reside in a place that inggi, to the Siwa sesungguhnyalah everywhere, to the Deity, which stayed in the seat as a lotus flower in one place, to Adhanaresvari, servants salute
Facilities kawangen

4. Worship God as the Anugrah
Om anugraha Manohara,
arcanam sarvapujanam
namah sarvanugrahaka.
Deva devi mahasiddhi,
yajnanga nirmalatmaka,
Laksmi siddhisca dirghayuh,
nirvighna sukha vrddhisca

This means:
Om, you are engaging, award presenter,
gift of god, all idol worship,
respect, in all thy gift giver.
Kemahasidian Gods and Goddess, yadnya tangible, personal holy,
happiness, perfection, a long, free from obstacles, kegem-biraan and progress

Facilities interest

5. Puyung Worship (Worship with empty hands)
Om Deva suksma paramacintyaya name svaha
Om, respect, the Deity of the most highly possible that the unseen

Persembahyangan Once completed, please continue with Tirta and bija.

Ceremonies stated Wadani

Stated means cleaning, Wadani means speech-speech / statement form the words.
Wadani stated is the word of consecration.
So stated Wadani ritual ceremonies are conducted at the time of purgation, a Hindu Religion.

The procedure stated Wadani ceremony.
Making a letter of request consecration valid.

Projects bebanten biyakala prayascita and tataban according to the (main).
Projects Bhasma water sandal (medium).
Projects of water, flowers, bija, (insult),
Implementation is always accompanied by fire.

Om. Sa, ba, ta, a, i, na, ma, I, of, yes, Ung Ang Anyway. Om.
posted by Bali @ 19.17  
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