Day of Kuningan today, Saturday Kliwon (2 / 2), the Hindu people celebrate the return rerahinan Kuningan, after Galungan celebrates ten days ago. Day-to-day religious celebration is important dimaknai fact, not only celebrated in a routine. For, many important meanings implied in the need to''dibumikan''in daily life. How do with the Kuningan? What must dimaknai celebration of the Masterton laden with symbols or niyasa upakara as Tamiang, endongan and so forth?
Hindu people should not stop on the implementation religious feast days, but memaknainya. For, there are many meanings contained in the religious celebration.
Lecturers IHDN Denpasar, the former Director General of the Ministry of Hindu Bimas Dr. RI. Wayan Suarjaya, M.Si. say, the ancestors make rerahinan so many people always remember to The Creator - Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and grateful His bounty. Through the celebration of religious feast days, people always remember menyamabraya charged - to increase unity and social solidarity. Moreover, through rerahinan people are expected always to remember the environment.
''To get upakara facilities, people must keep the environment (environmental hygiene). In addition to fruit, flowers and leaves (upakara facilities), people use Tirta (holy water) in the yadnya. Therefore, in this context, there are important messages that must be implemented in daily life, namely, the people must maintain the natural - do not contaminate the water,''he said.
But the fact is, many rivers have been polluted. Here's where to maintain awareness of the importance of nature. So in the context kekinian, the message that we can be picking from the religious feast day is a people must always remember God, maintaining unity, sensitive to the values of humanity and always maintain the natural environment. All that is indeed the implementation of the concept of Tri Hita Karana.
Symbol of Protection
In celebration of Kuningan, symbols upakara become typical as Tamiang and endongan. What it means?
Tamiang, said Chairman of the Bali Parisada Drs. I Ngurah girl Sudiana, M.Si. comes from the word which means shield deterrent weapons. As a deterrent, the symbol of protection have Tamiang. In addition, the Tamiang as a symbol of God Nawa Sanga, because nine points eyes wind direction. Tamiang also symbolizes the natural rotation wheels - cakraning panggilingan. Symbol is to remind people in the law of nature. If the community is not able to adapt to nature, or do not obey the law of nature, the risk will be wheel tergilas by nature. Through the implementation of Masterton, said Sudiana a lecturer IHDN Denpasar, the people expected to be able to rebuild a harmonious life (HITA) in accordance with the purpose of the Hindu religion.
In addition to Tamiang, in celebration of Kuningan, there are also meaningful endongan supplies. Provision of ply in most major life is knowledge and Bhakti (jnana). Meanwhile, the most powerful weapon is peace of mind. This peace of mind that can not be defeated by any weapon.
Ikang on pinaka witing sense, which means that the mind is the source of indria. That means the weapons pikiranlah the main and most powerful in the face of various problems of life.
When Sankey, Batara-goddess believed to descend from Kahyangan, and then back to the land. Therefore, people try to offer a Hindu ceremony sepagi-all, on the feast of Kuningan.
But the most important of all, said Asdir I program Religion and Culture, Science University of Hindu India (Unhi) Drs. Wayan Budi Utama, M.Si., Hindu, people have more to reinforce supplies (endongan), namely life sciences. Hindu nation must be superior in terms of quality, so have the bargaining position and win the global competition.
To improve quality, is the provision of education and senjatanya. Therefore yadnya in the education sector must be encouraged among the people. When possible, the government donated the funds to several villages pakraman percent allocated to investment in education or scholarships. Thus, Krama the poor in terms of the economy have the opportunity to improve the quality of its human resources. This was important for Bali to the front. ''If the human resources Bali really quality will have a bargaining position in the wider scene. Thus, the symbols are listed in the Kuningan must dimaknai wider again.
Through the celebration of Masterton, is expected Krama Bali Since we had more people to print more intellectual as much as possible, so that they can bring Bali better in many aspects, yes ... the natural, cultural, educational, economic and so forth,''he said.
Vice Rector of Student Affairs Dr. IHDN Derby. Elan Subagiasta said the same thing. Through the celebration of Galungan-Kuningan diisyaratkan people to unrelenting struggle against adharma to achieve success. In the context kekinian, people must continue to fight to eradicate poverty, Your illiterate, other than the struggle to control hallow themselves, and always leaving the tranquil mind. All that in order to achieve santha jagadhita or kerahayuan or the eternal harmony. Hopefully! |