Reincarnation, Punarbhawa not limited space and time, because in the spirit of nature is not known Arab spirit, India, China, Bali, etc.. That there is great spirit, which will shrink when wadag fill the small, such as for example all, and it will be great when filling wadag, such as elephants. Spirit does not know the past, the present and future; because the spirit is not affected by the third period. Pedanda asserts that punarbhawa not always happen dilingkungan family only, or derived from ancestors. Punarbhawa can occur from all mankind on the surface of the earth. Even punarbhawa can occur from other sentient-being, other than human. Spirit is like a set of clouds, which then changed into dots and then the rain water falling to earth. There was a fall in the sea, there is also a fall in the land. Haujan point and water, both fell in the sea or on land identified more difficult because it is mixed with sea water and land. Good rain water falling on the sea or on land, will eventually gather at sea also. The fall of the sea means to return to the original, because the cloud comes from sea water evaporation, while a fall in the mountains will become tirtha at. Men die like a sea water vapor (the individual spirit) because of the mild rise keangkasa and gathered steam with sea-water (various spirits), forming a cloud (of spirits), and because of the heavy cargo load (karma conclusion of the past), and then fall back (punarbhawa) to the earth. This picture is a picture journey through the spirit punarbhawa is not over, until a time when all the burden, the burden that weighed the spirit fled away, so it will not fall again, but with Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara towards Moksha. Therefore Sarasamuccaya mentioned in the literature, exciting life into humans, because with the good deeds will be able to fix the bad deeds. And this will be the capital for later life through the punarbhawa. Stories about lessons punarbhawa is mentioned in the literature Parwa Agastya (a parwa flow of Shiva), through a conversation between Bhagawan Agastya with her sons. And the conversation between also Bhagawan with her sons a lesson for us to keep the communication occurs between parents with children.
Punarbhawa in Bali Proving that punarbhawa palpable and easily understood in the Carey religioner life of the people in the Hindu Bali. For infants aged 12 days has sought the punarbhawa it, driving in the baby; for "a very sira rawuh actually dead." Generally will be obtained information about a person who wants to "ngidih rice" in this family is through the birth of the baby. An example of real events in South India, a daughter named Shanti Devi who is able to identify objects that have been held in the previous life in North India. He still identify certain places with certain objects, and identify people who had lived with them. In Bali, after an adult child, the parents will see how the children have the character, attitude and style, the same with someone they know but have died. For example, the children kelakuannya similar to the grandfather or grandmother who is deceased. This is an easy way to reckon the existence punarbhawa as one of sradha Hindu nation.
Current life Life is like when writing applications for the journey of life will come. We are grateful that life will still be able to use the human body, not to wear animal body. Therefore, it must be remembered that this is all indrya loan from Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara; including this body. So if we are not able to maintain the "goods" this loan, then we will be given the body worse again; for example, the body of animals or plants. By considering how "small" compared with this human creation in the universe, the human should always conscious; that all this will end, and we will all return to Him, to all goods and once the loan was mempertanggung-jawabkannya . Punarbhawa as one of the sradha should always believed by the Hindu nation, and also understood that we are now punarbhawa this is the process for the next punarbhawa better |