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Tumpek Landep
Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008

Saniscara Kliwon Wuku Landep like normal people celebrate the Hindu Tumpek Landep. Indeed, what meaning Tumpek Landep?

In rerahinan Tumpek Landep, which glorified the people is Gods Pasupati, manifestation of God as the ruler of the creatures live. He gave awards to mankind with the symbol of the keris or weapons. Therefore, the Tumpek Landep Hindu nation because God eulogize the form of gift giving weapons life. In addition to the weapons - kris, spear, the Tumpek Landep people generally mengupakarai various weapons such as the life of vehicles, computers and so forth.

In return, said Chairman of the Bali Parisada attending Ign Sudiana, indeed, contain meaning landeping eyelash - or seruncing mind as the keris. This means that, in facing the challenges of life, human beings must have the sharpness of mind and the spirit of the working level. Without it, mankind will easily surrender to any challenge. Era''is a complex issue, should not be faced with ignorance. Therefore, the quality of human resources must be increased so that it continues to exist to this global era,''said the lecturer IHDN this Derby.

Sudiana words, often used as the symbol of the keris authority. In the context of''get''kewibaan, it must work with the good behavior and the spirit high. Thus, life will be more meaningful. To be meaningful, must continue ditajamkan mind - as the kris - by not stopping to learn science and technology. Thus, the quality of human resources Hindu and have competitiveness in the face of global competition. ''We can not stop work. Business and working hard been grown important to be able exist in life,''he said.

Meanwhile, in context of berkesenian, Tumpek Landep it has important meaning for the artist. In fact, when there is suspicion Tumpek Landep is berkesenian day for artists in Bali. Lecturers are ISI Denpasar, said Nyoman Catra ever, in Tumpek Landep artists generally hold special ceremonies to bring taksu for melakoni himself in the arts. Tumpek Landep once close relationship with taksu.

In celebration Tumpek Landep, the artists themselves do more to consolidate the penajaman through persembahyangan and meditation. With clear mind to glorify God is expected to appear inspiration and new enthusiasm. As a form of ritual revere Gods in Tumpek Landep Arts, the artists usually dance mengupacarai attributes such as coil, kris, spear, and others.
posted by Bali @ 23.00  
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