Catur Ashrama is the ideal stage of life, prepared in accordance with the growth phisik, mental and human intelegensi average. However, it does not mean that the teaching-learning process at the time stopped Grhastha, Vanaprastha and Bhiksuka.
About pawiwahan, in the history of finance also found that married again sanyasin (Danghyang Nirartha) and in Manawa Dharmasastras Book III (Tritiyo dhyayah) Article 28 also allows a Reverend who led the ceremony after receiving the girls (for dikawini), which dihaturkan by the Yajamana, Pawiwahan is called Daiwa Wiwaha.
In ephos Most Barata message Bhagawan Abyasa requested by the mother Goddess Satyawati (supported by the Bisma) to marry the widow Wicitrawirya Goddess Ambika and Dewi Ambalika for the continuation of Hastina Pura because during the second widow did not have had children. From wedding night with the Goddess Ambika born Dastarastra (and lower Korawa) and the Goddess of Ambalika Pandu was born (and lower Thought). Furthermore, with a lady Bhagawan Abyasa son has called Widura. So is your opinion, that the element of "epoch-village-Patra" into consideration in the Catur Ashrama.
Catur Purusharta is ambeg Parama Artha in daily life, not in the stages of the limited time. Label: |