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Sekala and niskala
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

noetic here and for the Hindu people in Bali have Subha Sita is a term such as in libraries Canakya Nitisastra. Subha Sita means wise words as one of three jewel jewel earth. Noetic here and should guide the people living in Bali arrange the various aspects of their lives. Such as whether to build a balanced Bali in here and noetic?

RELIGIOUS Hindu religion is not only teaches about spirituality to reach heaven or moksha. Hinduism teaches about the fact that life balanced and integrated life between the physical and spiritual. This we can see from the implementation of the Hindu religious system that motivate people in the Hindu Bali in order to build their lives here and noetic.

From the glorification of the system level Kahyangan Zagat level until there is a family cult symbols sacred to build a life that is balanced. In the Zagat Kahyangan there Pura Pura Besakih as Purusa and Pura Pura Pradana as a servant.

Glorification of God cult in the family there Pelinggih pyramid and the pyramid portion Mujung as a symbol of worship to motivate people to build their lives equally here and noetic. Similarly in the system of Hindu religious rituals in Bali also very much that contain values that means to encourage a balanced life here and noetic. What else in the script, the script in the literature of Hindu Bali is very much that teach about building a life that is balanced.

Seen from the value system of Bali has been very rich. However, the implementation is quite decadent values in life is empirical. The physical nature Bali is increasingly worrying. Similarly social behavior is increasingly appears that the behavior is not in accordance with the reference values culture Balinese dijiwai by the Hindu religion.

Customary in Bali is imperative to reinforce the implementation of tattwa. But there is still maintained customs astray undermined the dignity of human dignity and Bali. There is still a fraternity in Bali are without. With fellow nations embraces one religion but are not. If there are any differences in their antagonistic limitless. There was a deportee from pemukimannya place in the village customs. There can not bury the corpse in the grave of his family village. There are a frock can not be considered equivalent to curate the other.

There is still maintained customs that go astray because of negligence in understanding the values of the culture of Bali adiluhung it. Values culture Balinese often ignored in maintaining tradition. In terms of philosophy of harmony Bali is to build harmonious and peaceful life in the vertical and horizontal.

Harmony and peace in the vertical inter built with the concept of Chess Hostel. Relations between the vertical Brahmacari, Grhastha, Wanaprasta and Sanyasa will build harmony in Bali vertical between generations. If every life is to follow Boa Swadharma it there will be harmony inter Bali. If the relationship between-boarding is discontinuous, the harmony in Bali vertical inter will be damaged. The young generation ignore the older generation, so the next. Cultural sustainability will end.

Therefore, to build tegaknya harmony in Bali vertical inter should hold on the teachings of Chess Hostel. Banjar in Bali Krama members consist of youth-teruni identical with Brahmacari Hostel. Krama Much identical with Grhastha Hostel. Meanwhile, Krama lingsir identical with Wanaprastha Hostel. Sanyasin Residence by Agastia Parwa must not be organized in the community. In the temple hall series as glorified God Batara Penyarikan. The word''means''nharik gradually. The sense of God glorified in the temple hall line to apply for a guide to the stages of life based on residence can be run with the best.

Harmony also built horizontally with the basic teachings of Chess Varna. Chess Varna with the teachings of Balinese life can be built that harmonious and peaceful horizontally between the profession. Professional man who is different is indeed mutually need each other in an integrated fashion.

Unfortunately in Bali teachings Chess Varna is to slip in the mud of caste discrimination and the dignity of human dignity based on ancestry. Clearing the academic Chess Varna on the back of this concept is so much energy to spend human Bali. If the teachings of Varna Chess can position again will be the basis of the profession BERSINERGI each other. Because professional development not only requires a technical profession, but how the professionalism that can build the moral and mentally strong.

The dynamics of professionalism in the competition is now free of significant challenges. Chess with the teachings of Varna can be built in the spirit of life to have a profession and a strong face on the global competition. Because of the need to build a harmonious integration between the professionalism that the competition does not occur to overthrow each other.

Competition should reciprocate the spirit to improve the quality of their respective professions. With glorify God as creator and Purusa Pradana Hindu people in Bali is imperative to develop the profession in various fields, which includes the field here and noetic.

Field sekala the fields of physical materials and field noetic field is the non-physical areas. Human development is to build a whole life of physical, moral and mentalnya.

In the life of this modern development field here and noetic is the need of human resources professionals. The professionalism must BERSINERGI with equal horizontal so that created a dynamic rhythm Bali to create value in the material and spiritual well-balanced and continuous.

Build a quality human productivity, which requires the continuous and balanced between the material and physical aspects of mental and spiritual aspects. With the glorification of God as creator and Purusa Pradana that all professionals have a strong foundation religiusitas in the profession. This will create a healthy competition in the professional world.
posted by Bali @ 09.36  
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