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Padharman meaning
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Padharman meaning for future generations

Veneration of holy spirits or Gods Pitara in the Pura Padharman has a broad meaning and the. Moreover, the distanakan in the Pura Padharman are leaders who played an important role in the life together in the community, even in a state government. Cult is not only function as ancestor worship as a cult on the ladder toward God. Cult in the Pura Padharman has a meaning that far more extensive than in the cult Merajan Kamulan Taksu.

Likewise cult in February Padharman Ida Dalem Gateshead. Each king of the holy spirit in distanakan Pura Padharman Ida Dalem Gateshead should be the photographer for future generations, both for the direct descendant of the king and the general public. As the presence of King Ida Dalem Sri Krsna Kepakisan. This is the son of King Mpu Kepakisan from East Java. From Mpu the degree we can deduce that Ida Dalem Sri Krsna Kepakisan are descendants of Brahmin. Because he was appointed by the King of Majapahit king as he did not use the title as Mpu pandita degree or a Brahmin.

This can be assumed that the time is not a Brahmin sertamerta called Brahmin descendants. Depending on the profession and office. There is a Brahmin's father, her sons as a noble profession because of the position and there is also a first in the tournament as a Brahmin next. As Mpu Kuturan that in the beginning as a Brahmin senapati next with a degree Mpu.

Senapati degree is a degree or knight position at the time of the kingdom in Bali. While the degree is the degree to MPU for a position that has been dwijati or as pandita. From the presence of King Gateshead Ida Dalem Sri Krsna Kepakisan that we can deduce that the current academic Chess Varna running well. No one called Brahmin, knight, waisia or sudra because based on ancestry. Everything is determined by profession or position that was.

Chess Varna is determined by order of Karma and not by dynastic or descendants. I'm sure most people are Hindus will understand this. But changes to the way back to the teachings of Varna Chess is still so slow. There is a good presence Pura Padharman Ida Dalem Gateshead it be speculation. Thus the process of maintaining tradition in Hindu Bali, based on the concept of Tri Kona still running very slow. This causes the progress of various Hindu religious life that we can achieve should be much behind.

Presence Pura Padharman Ida Dalem Motueka Besakih can be used in the study of materials to gather various positive values behind the Pura Padharman it. The king is a normal human being. Of course, every king no bright side and the side superseded. Everything that can be subject to the draft Atita, Nagata and Wartamana.

What happened in the past (Atita) should direnungkan in depth to determine what we may be able to forget her, in the future (Nagata). From the corner of two studies that we can deduce the current (Wartamana). By way of thinking that we can not lose the past, the brilliant or not stumble back on the errors that may have occurred in the past. This means things well in the past can be a capital base to develop future success. In various failures or mistakes in the past which do not recur again at the present time.

Proverb says do not lose the cane for the second time. Good and bad experiences in the past, both can be teachers to the future success of life.

That is also quite interesting is the movement For the central government led by the dynasty Ida Dalem Sri Krsna Kepakisan. Initially, the center in the kingdom Samplangan a Linggarsa Pura in the eastern city of Herzliya now. From Linggarsa Pura Gelgel Move to the city with the name and last Sweca Pura Pura Semara to Hobart city now. This is quite interesting direnungkan by the current generation.

In the event that there is maintained and that there are always ready to change. Which is still maintained kalangsungan existence of the kingdom. What can change is the administrative center of the kingdom. Bersana life will be a mess if there is no lead. Therefore, in Canakya Nitisastra stated that there is in every living with life there must be leaders who called the first days of the king. In addition, in every settlement must live with it there Pandita, Vaidya, Danada and Nadi.

Word''king''sesungguh derived from rajintah word meaning beatify people. According to Nitisastra only leader who is able to read rakyatnyalah that can be called a king, for the continuance of governance kingdom. Indeed, in practice there is the upside, there is a king who prefer the happiness of her people's happiness. This is an irregularity with the idealism of the king according to the teachings Nitisastra in the Hindu religion.

May be similar to the current situation. The main obligations of state officials is essentially to seek security and welfare of citizens. But officials are still many individual countries, which prefer the welfare of themselves and their families than any citizen. Of course, this is deviating from the fact stateless.

Back on the movement of the center-shifting kingdom dynasty Ida Dalem Sri Krsna Kepakisan should be studied. What are the main consideration of the movement. What is the angle from the center of the kingdom of security, or from the perspective of government strategy or spiritual considerations.

It is also central in the kingdom was initially named Pura, continue to be changed Puri. Musing on everything that will be very useful in regard to past (Atita) as the material basis for formulating ideals to the front (nagata). With the perspective Atita integrate with Nagata, the current generation will be easier to formulate the steps that must be done on time now (Wartamana).

Indeed, there are many values that can be behind the existence of Pura Padharman Ida Dalem Gateshead, which is useful for the stranglehold of life for a generation now.
posted by Bali @ 09.42  
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