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Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Galungan: A Universal, TRADITION Local religious traditions in the Hindu Bali Bali wujudnya very local. However, contained in the moral values that are universal. Galungan, for example, that soon will be celebrated Hindu nation, can be implemented anywhere and anytime. Dikandungnya value that is not limited in space and time only. A universal value realized by the local culture, so that the value of the global universal diaktualkan it easier in the social life of contextual with the development of space and time. Moral values that are universal in the celebration of Galungan implied, and implied in the text book of literature. Galungan text explanation implied in the Lontar Sunarigama. In the text there is the implied message of universal moral and there is also implied that the application to the local. Galungan essentially to synergize the strength of the sacred in every human soul to build the light to eliminate the power of darkness (adharma) in the self.

In Lontar Sunarigama stated, Buddha Kliwon Dungulan ngaran Galungan patitis ikang jnyana sandhi stock apadang mariakena biaparaning eyelash. This means, Galungan is the focus (patitis) knowledge of the holy (jnyana) to get the strength of the light (beam apadang) to remove darkness from the hearts (mariakena biaparaning eyelash). The universal moral message that should be ongoing as we renungkan summary Galungan celebration. This is to avoid the celebration of Galungan stop the activities that emphasizes more on the yippee-yippee without meaning. Kemeriahan and celebrate the beauty of Galungan indeed we should wujudkan. However, kemeriahan and beauty as it should embodiment of a universal moral message of Galungan. Therefore, before the peak celebration of Galungan there is a series called sugian, embang sugian, penyajaan and penampahan. All these terms sound very local Bali. However, if we runut the text appeared to contain the value of a truly universal.

Sugian there three times. Buddha Pound wuku Sungsang Sugian Tenten. Sugian the initial cleaning. Tenten means the conscious or awareness. Galungan should be celebrated with spiritual awareness. Following the tradition should be with awareness, people are aware that people can mark off where the good and which are bad, which should and which should not, and so on.

If the awareness that basically we are not stuck to the traditions that go astray, it should be strengthened, based on the tradition of truth (Dharma) Wrehaspati Wage wuku Sungsang Sugian Java. Java in this case means Jaba, outside of ourselves. In the palm Sunarigama stated: Sugian Java mratistha bhuwana majestic. This means that Java Sugian cleanse bhuwana majestic. Bhuana majestic cleanse our natural environment is. Meanwhile Sugian Bali in Sukra Kliwon Sungsang. In Lontar Sunarigama stated, Sugian Bali mratistha sports tahulan. This means, Sugian Bali as the media is to cleanse themselves private.

Embang Sugian on Redite Paing Wuku Dungulan. In the palm stated: embang Sugian anyekung jnyana nirmalakna. This means clear awareness of oneself to the holy (Nirmala). The next day on the day penyajahan stated: matirtha Gocara. This means, apply holy water apply as a blessing in God. On of the Wage wuku Dungulan called penampahan. Natab ritual banten sesayut pamiakala laramelaradan called Sesayut Penampahan. Natab banten this as a symbol of spiritual improvement in the Wiweka Jnyana. This means that the spiritual condition that can distinguish the true and which are not true. Nampah in this case is a''butcher''attributes brutality that lurk in our self, such as the nature of Rajah and companionable. Following the phase after reaching the peak of Galungan.

Galungan word in the Java language bersinonim with Dungulan that means winning or winning. Getting the correct victory in this life is something that we should perjuangkan. For it must be through the stages of life, as depicted in the celebrated Galungan. From self-awareness, natural membenahi welfare (Bhuta Hita), to build self sanctity, holiness and concentre apply to the blessing of God. Integrated power struggle with the human gift of God that will bring victory in this life.

Values that must be made to build living conditions must be in every Galungan. Moreover, in this era of global challenges and temptations of life is large and multi-dimensional. Therefore Galungan is one of the milestones warning every six months so that people will not forget value of the universal moral dikandung by the stages Galungan celebration. The values of the celebration of Galungan implied in the literature that the more our main renungkan in each celebrate Galungan.

Means the feast day, the day that we celebrate or exaggerated and utamakan values hakikinya For more. From the contemplation that we wujudkan values in the daily life of a stage of life
posted by Bali @ 09.36  
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