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Three nature toward destruction
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Trividam narakasyedam, Dvaram nasanam atmanah, Kamah krodhas tatha lobhas, Tasmat etat trayam tyajet. (Bhagavadgita, XVI.21) means: This is the third gateway to hell, the road to self destruction ravine, the appetite (kama), anger (krodra) and ambition / greedy (lobha) each person must leave this nature.

Happiness of life is a dream of every man, but the reality of life in this world of human experience tidal life, like tidal waves on the waterfront. In the ebb and flow of life, someone who does not have the grip of life, strangle the spiritual, moral and ethics, like a boat without Nahkoda, will always be adrift, terhempas, and even sinking to the seabed in the most.

Eronis indeed, in the midst of splendor religious concerns that the morality of this world, from the smallest to such fatal. When the note in the news media, various types of actions ranging from environmental crime families, communities, countries and even between countries. As a result of criminal acts, whether carried out by individuals or groups causing material losses are not few, even the victim nyawapun become useless. Not only that the family had been born instinctively. Life does not become a safe and comfortable, do not sleep soundly, the move was, was.

Dr. Soejatmoko as dikutif by Wiana in membenahi quality abab brotherhood in the 21 opinion that there are three problems faced by mankind in the modern era now. First, the weak ability of survival of mankind. Second, the occurrence of poverty, especially in the third world, and the third is the weak human capacity to control themselves from the negative consequences of science and technology. Indeed, many factors that affect a person for a crime. According to Hindu teachings of the emergence of various acts of crime based on 3 human nature, namely lust, anger, ambition and / greedy, that all three can not be controlled by the mind. Three fault when it joined the Sad ripu (six enemies of the man himself), and the Sapta Timira (seven worldly intoxication) will be clear and plunging living the life of mankind toward disintegration.

Book Sarasamuscaya sloka 80, reminded, "because the mind is called, is the source appetite, is driving the act of good or bad, therefore, should immediately pikiranlah cultivated pengekangannya / control. With the power of intellect mind with a strong human spirit will be able to change the nature of evil (asubha karma) into the nature of the good (subha karma). Contrasting with the animals that do not have a resourceful mind, only animals have the instinct. Animals can not change their food needs, for example, a cow pasture, the cows do not can be forced to eat rice or meat, another case with humans, can eat what they can be eaten, with the power of human living could not eat meat during her life, she only knows food, tempeh, rice and vegetables.

How do people who mastered anger and lobha? Book Bhagawadgita II.62.63 reminds us, people who only think of things in the physical life, then people will terbelenggu on it, born from the desire and the desire of this timbullah anger. Confusion arising from anger, confusion, loss of memories, of lost memories from the disintegration of the mind destroying his mind to perdition. Therefore, the teachings of the religion revealed by God, should serve life. Someone who has a grip like a living peselancar advanced, smiling gleesome always left wave, although at the time he must tergulung waves because of the large gust wind, but he rose again. Such is the case that not trail by three flow nature of the
posted by Bali @ 09.36  
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