Pura Tanah Kilap is located in Br. Suwung, Pemogan - Denpasar. He berstana in the temple is the Queen Ida Bhatara Niang Sakti, which is very popular indulgent. The spirit of Bali Hindu people do not need to fade to religious ceremonies. So there is every ceremony of several Hindu shrines that are not foreign incursion into the Bali people. As the celebration of the Feast Pagerwesi Wednesday (2 / 6) yesterday. Some Pura in Kuta and the surrounding area visited by many people to do persembahyangan together. Such as the atmosphere in the Pura Tanah Griya Kilap, which is located in the east of Statues Dewa Ruci, Kuta. In fact, according to Made Sudiarsa, one of the guard vehicles parked there, residents have been busy since the start at 07.00 Wita. So the atmosphere is quite visible on krodit front of the famous Pura wheeling it. This related to the presence of Pura Tanah Kilap and Queen Bhatara Niang Sakti: Panic and stress. That is felt that teachers at SMAN 3 Denpasar, on Thursday (27 / 1) yesterday. The dozens of students kerauhan (hysterical) simultaneously, without cause. A hysterical, connected by the other students. The teachers also be at a loss to handle them.
Originally a student of pain because the consultation room to BK at around 08.30 Wita. While other students learn in the classroom, the students suddenly kerauhan outside the room. Cash only make the other students out of classrooms. But really, that these students are involved in a twig-hysterical sejadi happens.
Not only that hysterical students, teachers and school employees is also a hysterical. He is the Ati Ridana and Dayu Siang. Needless to both fast sadarkan themselves.
When all the students who gathered in hiteris this padmasana local school, more and more students become increasingly hysterical and-so. The atmosphere is increasingly not known. Finally dipanggillah Mangku Jero and Jero Dalem Sumerta Mangku Kenyeri and a number of Paranormal to handle them. Parents of students who have the power noetic also handle the students. To avoid the occurrence of a broader, the school, the students return early.
The word is out that kerauhan students from this school that citizens do not matur piuning system resapan when the water behind the school. Results of Bali Post, in this school shows ground bongkaran results for resapan rain water is still straggle. This is likely to make the wait in pelinggih angry about this big building.
Meanwhile, Jero Dalem Mangku Sumerta disclose the land the school is the first pelaba Pura Dalem believed that still need diupacarai. Paranormal while the other is to reveal the students entered the Queen Niang Sakti berstana in the Pura Tanah Kilap. Residents said the school also forget ngaturan rarapan each day in the pelinggih.
Head SMAN 3 Derby Drs. Elan Suyastra admitted to the stress and confusion that many such incidents. He gathered the teachers and employees to immediately take steps langah-prevention. The results of the meeting yesterday afternoon decided schools dismiss students for two days. In this two-day schools will perform a ceremony Teachers Piduka to restore power to the place of natural origin.
Because the curious, Thursday, yesterday, he also had nuur in one of the Paranormal in Panjer. Meanwhile, other teachers are asked to matur Ida Pedanda in Abiansemal to determine the type of ceremony and the right time to run the ceremony. However, Suyastra not rebut matur piuning before the project resapan rain water is carried out. However, he said, the staff forgot to replace canang pejati in the nyejer in padmasana.
''We have to evaluate themselves. This is a warning not to always act in a reckless,''he said. He pleaded not understand the system operation resapan rain water in the school one month later. Suyastra also eventually give deadlines to pemborongnya to complete this project within two days. ''In fact, they have kept their promise to complete the project molor one month,''he said.
Gen. kerauhan students also have occurred in SMKN 2 Denpasar, SMAN 6 Derby and last in high school PGRI 2 Denpasar. It all happened due to carelessness of citizens to maintain sanctity of schools in the main theater. (025)
Students still Kerauhan'''', Call Kasek Paranormal
Denpasar (Bali Post) -- High school students PGRI 2 Derby until Wednesday (13/10) yesterday that there is still only kerauhan. Students who kerauhan on the first day, come again because of fear at home. They are requested in the future pelinggih Ratu Sakti Niang to mapamit. Cash only hysterical shrieking filled with attractions that washing the face with tens of ember incense make other students infected.
However, the incident lasted only a short because Niang eventually would like Queen masimpen. Over the incident, Head of SMA PGRI 2 Denpasar, Drs. I.B. Made Wara bring four Paranormal from the Islamic and Hindu. Overall, according to I.B. Made Wara said that the location of this school is haunted and in pelinggih Queen Niang polluted places by burning garbage. In addition, the school has not been set pecaruan. Questions past, I.B. Made Wara land uses because the schools are still hiring.
After nunas baos to Ida Pedanda Braban, delinquent, according to the IB schools Wara Made in the full moon that will come will be pecaruan Rsigana. Pelinggih change once the Queen Niang Sakti with a new and better.
The school also will create a new pelinggih under the tree cambodia said the Paranormal as the most haunted locations. Cambodia two trees that are far apart and it body coil attached. Tree said this is part of the garden and pond goldfish Queen Niang Sakti. ''We are aware that this location is haunted, but also gave blessings. No school that is able to maintain the of kris Puputan delinquent five times in succession. This is also blessing for us,''he said. Therefore he promised to clean bhuwana majestic and bhuwana Alit in this school here and noetic.
Wednesday yesterday, I.B. Made Wara also report to the City Kadis Dikbud Denpasar Ngurah girl Yadnya proclamation as a result of this incident, which the students kerauhan forced diliburkan. Students who enter the afternoon also applied to the same atmosphere is conducive.
How do the students who entered the morning? I.B. Wara said still see further development. Because, to the noetic require patience and confidence that sincerely. The parents also asked to understand this condition, as a pinch so we do not until the rash.
During this''the parents understand the problems and even participate to help schools find a way out,''he said. (025)
At least 2,000 islands in Indonesia threatened because the sinking sea level rise due to climate change and global warming. For that, the government attempted to rescue action against small islands threatened by this. Meanwhile, a number of Krama Bali through the efforts noetic God to be spared from the Island of the threat of sinking.
The threat of sinking 2,000 islands around the 17,000 islands of Indonesia get the Minister of Public Works (PU), Djoko Kirmanto, said in a discussion at the Pavilion of Indonesia, arrived in Kuwait City in the arena changes IKIM and Global Warming (Global Warming), Nusa Dua, Kuta, South delinquent, Mon (10 / 12). Djoko Kirmanto, said not expanding, the islands which threatened sinking. What is clear, he said, the government began to take measures adaptation. "Around 2000 islands may be submerged due to global warming. Therefore, the government has made special actions against small islands," said Djoko. Djoko added, the government is also conducting research on the island of Nusa Penida, Gateshead, so it has been known that the impact caused by the increase in surface sea water. Furthermore, the Department of PU prepare vulnerability index Indonesian archipelago, especially small islands. PU department was formulating measures for mitigation and adaptation muffled threat 2000 sinking island is small. Mitigation, among other settings, green land, haul water conservation, and conservation and peat swamps. While adaptation measures, among others, to make disaster risk management and security management of water supply for food. In addition, said Djoko, the government also made poverty reduction programs in small islands, so they keep more natural buffer zone. On the other hand, Bali Island, also called it one of the islands in Indonesia, the split threatened as a result of global warming. It is estimated, 2030 future sea surface waters Bali will rise about 6 meters. At that time, some of the beach in Sanur, Kuta and will be submerged. Uluwatu Jimbaran area and, in the district of Kuta, South delinquent, it can be separated from the island of Bali, because of the narrow land around the Benoa sunken sea water. It diisyaratkan Hira Jhamtani, one observer environment that gives more attention to the island of Bali, said NusaBali in during the event arrived in Kuwait City, Global Warming in Nusa Dua, Kuta, South delinquent, on Tuesday (4 / 12) ago. "With mencairnya iceberg in the polar north and south poles (due to global warming), resulting in the increase of surface sea water. Analysis I and other researchers, (some) will tengelam Bali 2030 on the future," said Hira is also the world's climate researchers perubahaan . Following the threat of sinking some signal Bali this region, a number of steps to make Krama Bali freely. One of them, through the efforts noetic island of Bali to be spared from various natural disasters. Based on pawisik (noetic instructions) held in penekun spiritual temple Pura Tanah Narmada Kilap, Jamshedpur, revealed that the Queen Niyang Sakti berstana in the temple will be mapakelem in the south coast of Java, precisely in the coastal Parang Kusumo, Jogjakarta. Noetic behavior that work to the Queen earth Niyang Sakti kasultanan will be held on 16-19 December 2007 later, accompanied by hundreds of people, Hindu Bali. In addition, also accompanied 12 pinandita (frock), in which Ida Pedanda Gde Warrington and Ida Pedanda Gde Telaga (Seattle), Ida Pedanda Gde Putra Incurred (Kesiman), and Ida Pedanda Gde Gelgel (Belayu). According to pinisepuh temple Pura Narmada, Ida Bagus Mayun accompanied Mangku Aji Bajra, tirtayatra to Jogjakarta to apply to the safety Nyi Roro Kidul as the ruler of the southern sea, to maintain the shape and Bali islands. In addition, Mayun added, between Nyi Roro Kidul and Queen Niyang Sakti have kinship relations. For, in a historical noetic, Ratu Sakti Niyang comes from the land of Java. "Ratu Sakti Niyang want beranjangsana to the south coast at a time have to tell the palace in the temple Pura Narmada," said Mayun Pura temple in the Narmada, in a release received NusaBali, Monday. Meanwhile, Mangku Aji Bajra add, mapakelem series will begin with matur piuning Palace in Jogjakarta. After that, the Queen will Niyang Sakti masaneken Pura Jagatnatha in Bantul, Jogjakarta. The next day, the Queen will Niyang Sakti masucian Pura Beji in Parang Kusumo, the main persembahyangan in the coastal sea south of Java. According to the Mangku Bajra, mapakelem ceremony that the bebangkit facilities with chicken and duck selem (furry black). "Bebantenan the dilarung in the south coast as offerings to Nyi Roro Kidul," he said. Meanwhile, before returning to Bali, tirtayatra troupe will perform persembahyangan Pura Jagatnatha in Sidoarjo, East Java. "Arriving in Bali, we remain to offer offerings in the temple Pura Narmada, apply to awards Zagat Bali on Bali Krama always given the safety," said Mangku Bajra. Meanwhile, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) met the Democratic Party U.S. senator, John Kerry, in Bali, to discuss the Kyoto Protocol. During this, the U.S. is one of the countries refusing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. SBY meeting with the former March that the U.S. had to compete with President George W Bush was in during the implementation of the Global Warming arrived in Kuwait City, Fours Seasons Hotel in Jimbaran, Kuta, South Monday (10/12). "Kerry has a unique position in the senate and the U.S. government because he is the first of March had to compete with Bush in U.S. elections of 2004," said presidency spokesman Dino Patti Djalal This Install before the meeting yesterday. This meeting is part of efforts to strengthen RI-US relations, especially from the Democratic Party stronghold. "We have to make in the interests of a Democratic stronghold and U.S. relations RI also strong," Dino supplement. SBY-Kerry meeting also gave special emphasis to the Kyoto Protocol. For, politicians, including Kerry at the time that the U.S. rejected the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol, which contains the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases, the year ended 2012. President SBY, invites its own large industrial countries such as the U.S. following the new agreement that will be formed after the end of the Kyoto Protocol. SBY call it delivered in a meeting with Kerry yesterday. According to Dino, SBY stressed the need to have a world agreement to tackle climate change. "SBY Visit to the U.S. can become part of the new agreement," he said. Meanwhile, Kerry stated optimismenya if the U.S. will step forward and become part in the discussion, in order to produce an agreement pascaperiode the first Kyoto Protocol. "I believe the U.S. will be more step forward, become part in the discussions and produce the agreement that we can take part in it," Kerry said after meeting SBY. Kerry said, the U.S. has experienced many positive changes in handling issues related to climate change. "There are a lot of positive progress in the law in our country, efforts to reduce emissions and to take positive steps to tackle climate change," he said "I think, two years into the future we (the UNFCCC) will produce an agreement and I think the U.S. will become part of the ". Kerry added, the public are grateful to Indonesia for the warm welcome the council arrived in Kuwait City, Global Warming. "We have discussed the issue of climate change and environmental issues and other issues related to U.S.-India relations on the basis of equality of interests. And I feel happy with the results of the meeting," he said. |