Building a Life''Mataksu''
The existence of Pelinggih Kamulan Taksu in each Merajan as Batara Hyang Teachers for a Hindu family in Bali indeed contain values that are universal. Mataksu can see the aspects of life with a multidimensional view. Not something that is viewed from the perspective secular eyes only. Someone will be able to live mataksu what if the structure has the ideal self.
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The structure itself is the ideal in which the Atman as elements in tersuci can emit holiness through awareness Budhi penetrating intelligence in the mind and perfection indria. The ideal structure itself must be built since the man placed in the womb of the mother. Spirit and Chess miss considered as a source of taksu. Because the spirit Chess miss is the Atman.
Without the Atman stayed there in a mother of Chess could not miss any work. It is purely physical, which was built from five natural substance called Panca Most Bhuta. Distanakan in the Pelinggih Kamulan aspect is the spirit as the emission of Atman. Atman while in other Upanisad not from Brahman.
Kamulan Taksu is referred to as Bhatara Hyang Teachers. From the start it two pelinggih built mataksu life, means living with a broad view of the multi-dimensional. With Pelinggih Kamulan as Pelinggih Sang Hyang This means Atma Atman as a teacher as stated in Parwa vana.
Pelinggih Kamulan is stana Sang Hyang Atma, as stated in the Lontar Usana Gods and Lontar Wesi Gong. Kamulan position as stana Sang Hyang Atma is a sacred symbol for Hindus to motivate people to continually develop spiritual education in the family. Spiritual education is to give priority to the existence of holiness Atman in people.
Atman, which no other course is Brahman always exude holiness. But the jet sanctity Atman is often covered by darkness or avidia Budhi, and on indria like dark clouds cover the sun always shine. Therefore Budhi, and on indria must be purified with the sacred knowledge. Therefore, in Manawa Dharmasastras V.109 stated that''vidya tapobhyam bhutatma suddhyati''.
Atman means purified with the knowledge and holy initiation. This means that people always act like a teacher to get the claims Atman senantiasalah Hindu family in the developing life science based and self-control with the initiation. Thus hidupu will mataksu. Taksu will be lost if it does not follow the guidance of science holy. Receipt Bisma taksu lost when living in the Astina. Because every day disuguhi crime and the results of the food cooked by evil people. When it Duryudana as King Astina.
Food is the only way violate the sanctity dharma Atman not exude confidence that taksu be lost. Tapa Brata goal and Vidya is to educate, train and build indria, Budhi and on the media to emit a sacrilegious Atman. From the jet that would Atman sacrilegious taksu obtained. Palinggih Taksu in Merajan Kamulan it as a glorification of the spirit Spek Chess miss. Directly elements Chess miss that establish a fetus newborn baby.
In science education in the education of prenatal care means the education of children who are still in the womb of his mother. From children in the womb that have put the values of life intact, in good physical and mental and spiritual. After birth, he has brought redeem given to education so that later became suputra the mataksu.
With so very many ancestors have people call the Hindu Bali Merajan Kamulan it as a place to revere Batara Hyang Teachers. At that Kamulan have Merajan by the values of education that balanced education to build a sports and life balance.
In Nitisastra VIII.3 there is a stated obligation to bear the son of parents or called the Ametwaken. This is meant to contain a father and mother in preparing the birth of her sons is cooked through preparation, both physical and mental and spiritual. Moreover, the formation is the mother of the fetus in the womb.
The situation Chess miss such as stone-arinya, blood, Ezekiel Ryan lamas and it maintained with painstaking care. Maintaining the health of the mother that it contains a prime early childhood education to human later, he became the son that mataksu.
The existence of cults Batara Hyang Teachers in Kamulan Taksu is not merely to make the media only as a Hindu religious rituals that are purely formal. Behind that, there are messages that education is the fundamental place of worship that is called as palinggih Batara Hyang Teachers. Moreover, in the teachings of the Hindu known lifelong education through the teachings of Chess Hostel.
While still in the learning dharma Brahmacari Hostel order to get Vidya or knowledge about the skills to find sustenance in order to perpetuate this life. Boarding Grshastha education to be able to live independently. Independence is a characteristic that Grhastha.
Next time Wanaprastha Hostel run into advisory or mandatory sawacana gegonta continue to learn. When Boa should tread Sanyasa act like a teacher to release the Atman as well as to return to natural noetic. This is the concept of lifelong learning, according to Hindu teachings. The process of learning continuously is done correctly and precisely.
The process of learning the correct and proper in accordance with the phases of Chess Hostel. Each Residence rest assured that there appear more successful than the other. Thus, each will have Boarding figures mataksu. The education process this information in the family should continue to be moved through the cult Batara Hyang Teachers in Kamulan Taksu.
From Kamulan Taksu this education should be initiated to build and hold the balance of the material quality of life of physical and mental and spiritual learning continuously. Moreover, in the Reader Wrehaspati Tattwa 33 stated that there is one characteristic of a successful life is Adhyayana. This means learning continuously, do not ever finish learning. Next Tarka Jnyana means continually strive to practice the knowledge acquired |