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Ngembak Geni
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Ngembak Geni this DAY, Saturday, 8 March 2008 is the year 1930 for the New Caka Hindu nation. We say Happy New Year 1930 Caka, the new year with new hopes and new spirit that attached to them.

For the Hindu nation, new this year is certainly more meaningful special and more specifically from the perspective of religious upakara. Start of religious upakara Tilem Kesanga (Thursday 6 March 2008), Hari Raya Nyepi, Ngembak GNI (8 / 3) and peak piodalan in "months clean" Purnama Kedasa (21 / 3). Similarly, the transformation of self-climbing toward the spiritual, considering the replacement of the year category incoming replacement rah windhu - lap 10 annual reimbursement.

Transforming themselves spiritual ascent toward the spiritual-Revival, which then return to the prilaku Carey, calling some of them: honest to yourself and honest to others, the ability to control themselves better so that our private self and other people do not become victims of ahamkara we own, become more sensitive to the interests and feelings of other people, rambutan tolerance, fairness and even social solidarity, development of social empathy, clarity and sharpness of conscience intuition that the birth and responses prilaku Mulya in life, more able to lead themselves and lead the people Other accordance with the dharma it.

Honesty should be recognized that the process of transformation itself is not a simple matter. In the mastery level of understanding, orientation thinking, mood all the more prilaku in, in a period that is described very well by this country today celebrated WAS RENDRA.

RENDRA in his speech titled: "Megatruh relapse: Ghana sesorang Poet in response to Kalabendu", at the time received doctorate honoris causa in the field of culture from the University of Gajah Mada (4 / 3) revealed: Indonesia is currently experiencing a situation such as that described as a poet Ronggowarsito kalatida period and the period kalabendu. The power of the government there on the sovereignty of the people with policies that unprejudiced people to the small and the destruction of nature.

"Kalatida period is ridiculous because the sense diremehkan. Kalabendu The period is destroyed and damaged lives because of the value of governance and governance truth dijungkirbalikkan equally." This further raised the poet: "to exit from kalatida and kalabendu, Ratu Adil is not needed, but the law fairly."

Hurl criticism from the artists, which is a clever depiction of social sensitivity and awareness kesenimanannya, which is at once warning for children of people in this country. However, unfortunately, something longed for will be a fair law in the country, faced with the reality of bitter - bitter in law enforcement, which in the language of sociology akhli a law of this state in the form of "up law enforcement in this country virtually to collapse."

Without the need to be pessimistic in facing the challenges of the above, at a time without loss of alertness will prilaku destruktif in our environment and we are not vigilant, prilaku destruktif had emerged from ourselves.

Spirit new life in the Caka New Year 1930 is, in accordance with the dharma and Swadharma each of us in this Island of God, can answer a number of challenges, calling some of them: First, the political process is in progress (the process confuses the Governor of Bali), more weight decency, morality, intelligence, wisdom and statesmanship in prilaku even political, religious as the wisdom literature which is often used as a reference life. Prilaku political disgraceful; premanisme, menghalalkan all the way, money and politics should be avoided or rejected by the voters.

Second, the momentum in this New Year, should be used as a momentum to return to Swadharma each of us; lead themselves in a more correct lead before other people, keep ambiguity and even hypocritical life, buy back more noble accordance with kemulyaan life and life itself. Third, rebuild the economy of Bali together with the basic foundation: Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha, so that the economic reality more fair, destruction of the natural process stopped, and not many more victims of ruthless economic competition is the liberalization of the economy.

Building a new spirit in the Caka New Year 1930, we can refer string of Ajara Ethics SLOKANTARA translated and reviewed by Prof.. Dr. Tjok Sudharta, MA in Slokantara sloka 8 (31) of the People Saleh Pantang surrender, raised "righteous even though he is poor, he will not do illegal work. I tigers, although cut short his feet up, he will not want to eat the grass" .

In ulasannya Prof. Tjok Sudharta cite opinion rokhaniwan famous Swami Vivekananda: "Is there a strong willingness on the heart and determination that can tear down the mountain blockage, if all the world to rise with the sword unsheathed to melawanmu? Still jugakah dare you to do what is right? Children if your wife against and leave you, and if all the rights of yours so sirna and therefore if your name is not more flamboyant, Will you still stand in the truth. If you strive so kaulah son daughter needed by the nation and homeland. Kejarlah where you the truth, although under continue ex-citamu to the end of normal. Do not become a human being unmanly and will be false ideals "
posted by Bali @ 19.08  
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