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Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Road thankful is the Most Comfortable Life Situation economy that difficult for most people of Indonesia, causing poverty to become more-so. Every day we hear is complaints and indignation. Kegalauan atmosphere and the commotion can not be avoided. Questions can only be a small skirmish. Restlessness occur everywhere, a situation that is causing a sense of gratitude increasingly remote. A poor and difficult, people have also sometimes forget to give thanks. In terms of both mistaken, all parties must actually be grateful in this life. For the hard-living, must be grateful because God has made being the most high rank among the other inhabitants. Every human being (man) has been given intellect (intelligence), indebted to weigh the good and not good. God has also bestow any religious people with a healthy mind, so that they can overcome their lives with as well.

Sarasamuscaya 3 - 4 lead us as follows: "therefore, not a one-time grieve; not even prosperous life; to be human is born, should make you share, for the very difficult to be born a human being, even though the birth of soulless ".

As a human being is the main figurehead; as such, because he can help himself from the miserable circumstances (birth and death repeatedly) path with ShoPPing; such benefits can become human.
With gratitude we will always think that overrides any positive life. With gratitude we will also continue working to improve the road of life with this properly. Grateful means not just accept whatever fate befalling us, but still try and attempt to wave all this life. With courage, tranquility, prayer, work, and grateful for what resulted certainly can change our lives, that is difficult to be good and added that both will be better again. Do not be so human that is not grateful.


posted by Bali @ 18.56  
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