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Pengemong Pura |
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008 |

In principle the terms pemedek, penyungsung and pengemong indeed have a meaning that is not much different, because it was equally concerned with the people and shrines. As a servant of the people obliged to run the command of God and holy shrines as a place for Hindu people to "connect" with him through persembahyangan or offerings.
Although they have similarities, the third term is established because there are also differences. The word "pemedek" comes from the word "paprika", which means that the person or people who build on the Lord. And "penyungsung" comes from the word "sungsung" which means "jungjung", "menjungjung" or "glorify". While the term "pengemong" derived from the word "emong" meaning "mengayomi or protect." Explanation less than full case, if a Hindu or serombongan people come and activities persembahyangan or offering at a temple or shrine in some Kahyangan status with the public and without the union-bound ties such as the descendants (kawitan), so they called pemedek. For example, when the ceremony was held Bhatara Kabeh Decrease in Pura Besakih, then all people without discriminating Hindu origin descendants (Kawitan) can come "paprika-tangkil" to "ngaturang Bhakti" in the Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara.
As with the understanding penyungsung, meaning more people are Hindus who have special relationships genealogis (descendants) and functional in accordance with the profession. For example, the Hindu people (in Bali), which comes from the descendants of Aryan Kepakisan, then they will become Kawitan February penyungsung from the Br. Hamlet, Gelgel-Gateshead. Likewise Pura Dalem Peed Nusa Penida for example, despite disungsung Hindu nation, in general, specifically Pura also become Penyungsungan group for people who act as a shaman or shaman.
Pura also subak Therefore, only by disungsung karma / Hindu people who act as local farmers. While the name "pengemong" more related to certain parties that provide protection against Pengayoman or the existence of a temple. In the context of connivance in Bali, in the past days of empire are commonplace kingdoms, which filed a pengayom / protectors of one or more of the Temples in the area of his kingdom. Pengayoman or protection which is given not only physically, financially also in terms of the implementation of activities yajna ceremony in the temple. This case is still applied until now for the quasi-located in the Pura Besakih complex, where each District / Municipality in Bali to get "quota" as "pengemong" quasi-certain in the Besakih, the Local Government Bali acted as the Yajamana overall. |
posted by Bali @ 09.22  |
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Kemulan |
 In an effort to realize the attitude of Bhakti as a donation to the ancestral teachings Pitra lacalderarock, mainly Hindu nation that grows in Bali to build what dimanakan sanggah or pamerajan. Its function is as a place of holy worship sacred ancestral spirit (Atma Sidha God) for his descendants (preti cemetery). Through it all at once sought to be expected that their parent is in the nature of Dewa kerahayuan can always give to all his descendants. Because the holy spirit to the cult of ancestors is an important obligation and noble for a Hindu nation. As building a cult of holy spirit ancestors, sanggah or pamerajan was characterized by the existence of palinggih principal (main) which is called the Palinggih Kamulan or Kamimitan where the physical shape of a three-room in one roof (merong Telu). In the palm Gong Wesi asked that the sanggah or merajan is as sthana Sang Hyang Atma with the details: on the right Kamulan (rong the right) as the Father (Paratma), on the left Kamulan (rong left), as a mother (Siwatma), and the Kamulan middle (the middle rong) wujudnya is the Atma. Likewise It also described in the palm Usana Deity.
Palinggih Kamulan that the merong Telu it be with Palinggih Tri Murti is acceptable. But the need to be emphasized, that is not Palinggih Kamulan as Palinggih Tri Murti Dewa Pitara but that is identical with Sanghyang Tri Murti. For that called Gods Pitara is not another saintlike ancestral spirits who have reached the natural Sanghyang moksha in which at the end of all life is the goal can be dissolved or bersatunya Pitara / Atma with the Deity / God.
Furthermore, because the Deity is identical with Pitara Sanghyang Tri Murti, the Deity Pitara the bersthana in Kamulan also called "Bhatara Hyang Teachers." Bhatara Hyang here is the Deity Pitara itself, is being Bhatara Teachers of Siva. Pengidentikan (equation) Dewa Pitara with Sanghyang Tri Murti this can be proven through lacalderarock Ida Pedanda used for the Kamulan Teachers Stawa or in the evening worship at Sanggah / Merajan that one of baitnya read: "Om Brahma Vishnu Iswara dewam, jiwatmanam trilokanam sarwa Zagat pratistanam , Sudha klesa winasanam. " Means: "Om Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Iswara that animate the three natural base of all the natural world, which destroy and purify the dirt."
posted by Bali @ 09.22  |
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Umumnya segala hal yang berhubungan dengan pembangunan dan atau pendirian suatu bangunan baik untuk perumahan maupun tempat suci banyak tersurat di dalam lontar Asta Kosala Kosali dan Lontar Astha Bumi. Di lontar-lontar lain ada pula menyinggungnya meski dari sisi yang berbeda, seperti lontar Asta Dewa, lontar Dewa Tattwa yang banyak mengulas perihal tata laksana dan pesucian suatu bangunan.Penempatan “lebuh” atau “pemesu”, disebut juga “lawang” atau “dwara” yang merupakan pintu/gerbang keluar masuknya suatu areal pekarangan dalam hal ini rumah tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan konsep Tri Mandala (Tri Angga). Konsep itu menjabarkan bahwa suatu wilayah atau pekarangan pada dasarnya bisa dibagi atas tiga bagian yaitu :1. Utama Mandala (wilayah parahyangan) yang termasuk kawasan hulu (suci) dengan posisi dalam “pengider-ideran” di arah utara (kaja) atau timur (kangin) atau tumor laut (kaja kangin).2. Madya Mandala (wilayah pawongan)3. Nista Mandala (wilayah palemahan) yang termasuk kawasan teben (profane).Berpijak pada uraian singkat ini, maka penempatan “lebuh” akan selalu diusahakan berada pada posisi Madya Mandala atau Nista Mandala, suatu wilayah atau kawasan yang memang bersifat profan (tidak suci). Jika dipaksakan (mungkin karena situasi pekarangan) boleh-bileh saja asal tidak “ngungkulin parahyangan”.Letak lebuh di ujung gang yang di apit oleh pekarangan milik orang lain boleh saja. Tetapi untuk tidak menjadi berbentuk “tumbak rurung” sebaiknya dibuatkan “tembok tumbak rurung”, semacam tembok yang sejajar dengan pintu masuk tetepi agak kedalam. Terakhir tentang penggunaan “lebuh” lebih dari 1 KK, asal masih memiliki hubungan “mesanggah” boleh-boleh saja. Di zaman majemuk ini orang tidak begitu lagi memperhatikan hal ini.Label: kori |
posted by Bali @ 09.11  |
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Kori bali |
Dalam hal pengamalan ajaran agama Hindu terutama dalam praktek-praktek keagamaan memang terdapat cukup banyak perbedaan antara umat Hindu di Bali Utara dengan Bali Selatan. Misalnya, di Bali Utara upacara potong gigi tidak begitu popular dilakukan, di Bali selatan lumbrah. Di Bali utara merayakan hari suci Pagerwesi gemanya seperti Galungan di Bali selatan dan lain-lain.
Begitu pun terhadap apa yang dikemukakan di atas tentang begitu menjoloknya perbedaan jenis-jenis palinggih yang ada di sanggah/merajan daerah Buleleng dengan Bali selatan.
Seperti sudah sering dikatakan dengan sifat ajaran agama Hindu yang supel, fleksibel dan selalu mangacu pada anutan desa-kala-patra serta dresta, menjadikan praktek keagamaan yang dilakukan oleh umat Hindu hampir selalu menampakkan perbedaan. Namun patut di catat bahwa penampakkan perbedaan itu hanya menyangkut soal ‘kulit’, sedang perihal ‘isi’ yang berhubungan dengan hakekat, tujuan, kasuksman, filosofi dan atau tattwanya tetap berpijak pada konsep yang sama/satu yaitu Weda dengan berbagai penjabarannya.
Berpijak pada pernyataan ini, maka apa pun namanya, berapa pun jumblah palinggih yang dibangun, asal itu didirikan di natah pekarangan bagi suatu keluarga maka tetaplah dikategotikan sebagai Pura Kawitan sengan sebutan Sanggah/Marajan. Ada sebutan Pura Kawitan yang lebih tinggi kedudukannya terutama dilihat dari jumblah penyiwi/penyungsungnya yaitu Gedong Pratiwi, Palinggih, Ibu (Paibon), Pura Panti (Dadya) dan akhirnya pedharman-pedharman di kompleks Pura Besakih.
Lalu soal keinginan keluarga-keluarga yang baru berumah tangga (ngarangin) untuk mendirikan sanggah/merajan sesuai dengan apa yang sudah umum dibangun yang lebih sedikit dengan mematok tiga pelinggih : Kamulan, Taksu, dan Tugu, kiranya boleh-boleh saja. Apalagi ketentuan pendirian palinggih di sanggah/merajan sesuai bunyi lontar Siwagama memang hanya sedemikian itulah jumblahnya. Masalahnya sekarang, adakalanya pendirian suatu palinggih tidak hanya berpijak pada sastra dresta tetapi ada juga yang berpegangan pada bhisama leluhur. Jika bhisama yang menjadi pegangan, maka kita dihadapkan posisi antara preti sentana (keturunan) dengan para leluhur yang wajib dijalankan pewarah-warahnya. Jika demikian persoalannya, maka semua keputusan untuk terus mengikuti petunjuk bhisama atau mengikuti pembangunan zaman terpulang pada sikap satya preti sentana masing-masing. Tapi ingat, berbhakti kepada kawitan/leluhur adalah dharma tertinggi.
posted by Bali @ 09.11  |
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Mendirikan Palinggih |
Dalam hal pengamalan ajaran agama Hindu terutama dalam praktek-praktek keagamaan memang terdapat cukup banyak perbedaan antara umat Hindu di Bali Utara dengan Bali Selatan. Misalnya, di Bali Utara upacara potong gigi tidak begitu popular dilakukan, di Bali selatan lumbrah. Di Bali utara merayakan hari suci Pagerwesi gemanya seperti Galungan di Bali selatan dan lain-lain.
Begitu pun terhadap apa yang dikemukakan di atas tentang begitu menjoloknya perbedaan jenis-jenis palinggih yang ada di sanggah/merajan daerah Buleleng dengan Bali selatan.
Seperti sudah sering dikatakan dengan sifat ajaran agama Hindu yang supel, fleksibel dan selalu mangacu pada anutan desa-kala-patra serta dresta, menjadikan praktek keagamaan yang dilakukan oleh umat Hindu hampir selalu menampakkan perbedaan. Namun patut di catat bahwa penampakkan perbedaan itu hanya menyangkut soal ‘kulit’, sedang perihal ‘isi’ yang berhubungan dengan hakekat, tujuan, kasuksman, filosofi dan atau tattwanya tetap berpijak pada konsep yang sama/satu yaitu Weda dengan berbagai penjabarannya.
Berpijak pada pernyataan ini, maka apa pun namanya, berapa pun jumblah palinggih yang dibangun, asal itu didirikan di natah pekarangan bagi suatu keluarga maka tetaplah dikategotikan sebagai Pura Kawitan sengan sebutan Sanggah/Marajan. Ada sebutan Pura Kawitan yang lebih tinggi kedudukannya terutama dilihat dari jumblah penyiwi/penyungsungnya yaitu Gedong Pratiwi, Palinggih, Ibu (Paibon), Pura Panti (Dadya) dan akhirnya pedharman-pedharman di kompleks Pura Besakih.
Lalu soal keinginan keluarga-keluarga yang baru berumah tangga (ngarangin) untuk mendirikan sanggah/merajan sesuai dengan apa yang sudah umum dibangun yang lebih sedikit dengan mematok tiga pelinggih : Kamulan, Taksu, dan Tugu, kiranya boleh-boleh saja. Apalagi ketentuan pendirian palinggih di sanggah/merajan sesuai bunyi lontar Siwagama memang hanya sedemikian itulah jumblahnya. Masalahnya sekarang, adakalanya pendirian suatu palinggih tidak hanya berpijak pada sastra dresta tetapi ada juga yang berpegangan pada bhisama leluhur. Jika bhisama yang menjadi pegangan, maka kita dihadapkan posisi antara preti sentana (keturunan) dengan para leluhur yang wajib dijalankan pewarah-warahnya. Jika demikian persoalannya, maka semua keputusan untuk terus mengikuti petunjuk bhisama atau mengikuti pembangunan zaman terpulang pada sikap satya preti sentana masing-masing. Tapi ingat, berbhakti kepada kawitan/leluhur adalah dharma tertinggi. |
posted by Bali @ 09.10  |
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Ciri pekarangan rumah panas |
Menurut ajaran Agama Hindu dengan konsep kesemestaan alamnya senantiasa menekankan betapa perlu dan pentingnya diciptakan suatu kondisi harmonis antara manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan manusia dan manusia dengan lingkungan. Kondisi yang harmonis itulah yang akan mengantarkan umat Hindu pada tujuan hidupnya – jagadhita dan moksha. Berpijak dadi pandangan demikian maka terhadap penggunaan suatu lingkungan (palemahan/pekarangan) patut juga memperhatikan segi-segi yang diyakini akan turut membuat kondisi harmonis. Karena itu lontar Ling Ira Bhagawan Wiswakarma telah menyuratkan perihal pekarangan atau tanah yang baik dan yang tidak baik dipergunakan untuk mendirikan suatu bangunan, baik perumahan, gedung, kantor, sekolah, tempat suci, dan lain-lain.
Pekarangan yang baik digunakan antara lain disebut: di timur (pascima) menemu labha (penghuninya akan mendapat untung), di utara: paribhoga wredhi (sejahtera dan bahagia), palemahan asah: sedang-sedang saja, palemahan inang: ceria dan asri serta berisi manik, palemahan mambu: sihin (dikasihi sahabat).
Selanjutnya pekarangan yang tidak baik dipergunakan lazim disebut sebagai “karang panes” dengan ciri-ciri berupa risiko yang diterima oleh si penghuni tanah tersebut yaitu: sering jatuh sakit, marah-marah tidak karuan, mengalami kebingungan , mudah bertengkar, dan sejenisnya. Ada pun jenis-jenis tanah yang tergolong karang panes ini di antaranya:
1. Karang Karubuhan Karang yang berhadap-hadapan atau berpapasan dengan “pempatan” atau “pertigaan” atau persimpangan jalan.
2. Karang Sandanglawe Karang yang memiliki pitu masuk berpapasan dengan pintu masuk pekarangan orang lain.
3. Karang Kuta Kabanda Karang yang di apit oleh dua ruas jalan raya.
4. Karang Sula Nyupi Karang yang berpapasan dengan jalan raya atau numbak marga atau numbak rurung.
5. Karang Gerah karang yang terletak di hulu Pura/Parahyangan.
6. Karang Tenget Karang bekas setra (sema), pura, pertapaan, dan lain-lain.
7. Karang Buta Salah Wetu Karang dimana di tempat tersebut pernah atau sedang terjadi keanehan-keanehan (ketidak lumbrahan) seperti: kelahiran babi berkepala gajah, pohon kelapa bercabang, pisang berbuah melalui batangnya.
8. Karang Boros Wong Karang yang memiliki dua pintu masuk yang sama tinggi dan berjajar.
9. Suduk Angga Karang yang dibatasi oleh pagar hidup dimana akar dan tunasnya masuk ke pekarangan lain.
Terhadap jenis pekarangan/tanah di atas bisa saja digunakan asal sudah melalui upacara upahayu halaning palemahan seperti Caru Karang Panes. Tetapi akan lebih rahayu lagi jika tidak dipergunakan. |
posted by Bali @ 09.10  |
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Beda Arca dengan Togog |
Bagi umat Hindu terutama yang masih berada dalam tingkatan Karma dan Bhakti Marga, apa yang namanya simbol-simbol merupakan cara mudah dan alamiah dalam menjembatani alam pikiran sekala (nyata) menuju ke alam pikiran niskala (abstrak). Kewangen misalnya merupakan salah satu contoh simbol Hyang Widhi sebagai Ardhanareswari. Begitu juga gambar Acintya yang sering disebut Sanghyang Licin juga merupakan simbol Hyang Widhi yang tak terpikirkan. Sistem pemujaan dengan simbolisasi ini lazim disebut dengan istilah Murti Puja. Dan yang acapkali digunakan sebagai simbol dalam Murti Puja ini adalah patung. Dalam wacana Hindu di Bali apa yang disebut patung sebenarnya dapat dibedakan atas beberapa istilah seperti: arca, pratima, togog, bedogol, dan lain-lain. Secara fisik material sesungguhnya benda tersebut memiliki persamaan terutama dilihat dari segi bahan yang digunakan, yaitu umumnya memakai batu, katu dan logam. Kecuali pratima yang bisa juga dibuat dari bahan permata, batu indah, uang kepeng dan lain-lain.
Yang membedakan arca, pratima, togog, dan bedogol itu adalah dari segi proses pembuatan, fungsinya dan lokasi penempatannya. Arca dan pratima kedua-duanya adalah patung perwujudan dari Hyang Widhi (Dewa) atau Bhatara-Bhatari. Dalam pembuatannya, arca dan pratima melalui proses sakralisasi (penyucian) dan pasupati (menjadikan “berjiwa”). Karena arca dan pratima itu akan berfungsi sebagai media penuntun bhakti umat ke hadapan Hyang Widhi, para Dewa dan Bhatara-Bhatari.
Dalm fungsinya begini, di alam pikiran seorang yang bhakti, bukan fisik material dari simbol itu yang dituju melainkan “zat” yang ada dan telah hidup padanya. Karena arca dan pratima merupakan simbol sakral, maka penempatannya pun tidak boleh sembarangan. Arca dan pratima sudah lumrah disthanakan pada tempat suci (pura). Dan pada waktu piodalan biasanya biasanya disthanakan di Bale Pengaruman. Sebutan lain yang memiliki arti dan fungsi tidak jauh berbeda dengan pratima adalah pralingga dan patapakan.
Selanjutnya mengenai togog dan bedogol. Dari segi proses pembuatannya togog umumnya tidak melalui sakralisasi, karena hanya berfungsi sebagai dekorasi semata. Penempatannya pun boleh sesuka hati yang empunya, contohnya: togog pohon kelapa, togog penari janger, dan lain-lainnya. Sedangkan bedogol yang biasanya dibuat dari ukuran agak lebih besar dari togog memiliki fungsi ganda. Bias berfungsi magis (melalui pasupati) dan dapat pula berfungsi dekoratif (hiasan). Penempatannya biasanya di depan candi bentar, pura, palinggih, dan tempat-tempat yang dipandang tenget.
posted by Bali @ 09.03  |
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Artikel Subak |
Subak adalah organisasi kemasyarakatan yang telah diwarisi sejak turun temurun para leluhur bali yang khusus mengatur sistem pengairan sawah yang digunakan dalam cocok tanam padi di Bali, Indonesia. Subak ini biasanya memiliki pura yang dinamakan Pura Uluncarik, atau Pura Bedugul, yang khusus dibangun oleh para petani dan diperuntukkan bagi dewi kemakmuran dan kesuburan dewi Sri. Sistem pengairan ini diatur oleh seorang pemuka adat yang juga adalah seorang petani di Bali. Untuk itu upaya melestarikan Subak beserta peralatan tradisional Bali termasuk di dalamnya bangunan rumah petani tradisional yang mengikuti aturan pembangunan asta bumi dan asta kosala-kosali, tata ruang, tata letak menurut tradisi masyarakat di Bali perlu digalakkan. Disamping menyelamatkan, menggali, mengamankan dan memelihara berbagai benda yang berkaitan dengan subak dan menyuguhkan berbagai informasi, pendidikan dan dokumentasi tentang Subak, Subak ini ternyata menjadi objek wisata yang menarik. |
posted by Bali @ 06.14  |
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Kramaning Sembah |
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008 |
Understanding of Worship, Muspa, Mebakti The definition of worship is respectful attitude with a sense of loyalty and resignation outright.
Platform. According to the Hindu religion that every human birth and the debt has already called the Tri Rna.
That can save: Ida Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa The deities The Receipt Bhatara / ancestor. Human. Bhuta.
Attitude of worship. The attitude kramaning worship in the worship according Muspa with a guide book for people who are prepared by the Hindu girl I Ketut Kaler published by the Position of Hindu and Buddhist Religion Province. Bali 1970 / 1971, and the book Upadeça 1981 / 1982. Special homage to the attitude Receipt / Sulinggih coverage by hand or in any mepes ulu between the heart and chin.
Means. Fire Water Interest, can be equipped with kuwangen
Mantram. In accordance with the guidance book Muspa / Upadeça books mentioned above.
Worship in the implementation of the Panca Yadnya is adjusted to whom worship is directed. Special time in the Tri Sandhya Mantram attitude memusti hands in front of the ulu hearts. Special to pray / ngastawayang for corpse / spirit of someone who died by standing upright on the attitude of Asama mamusti in the navel.
Kramaning Worship
Prayer is done to glorify God's people. Many kinds of prayer, when conducting the review, in what ways, by what means and where and with whom to do so. Stability in the hearts of conduct prayer, to help smooth communication and that no spiritual pemuasan Computing. Stability hearts that we can only be obtained when we believe that the way our prayer is there, know the meaning of the moment and every step of the way.
Here is the prayer guidelines set by the Hindu Dharma Mahasabha Parisada to VI.
Preparation prayer Preparation prayer include birth preparation and mental preparation. Preparation born include a sitting posture, breath and the attitude of the hands. Included in the preparation of birth, it is the supporting infrastructure, such as prayer clothes, flowers and incense while the preparation is mental tranquility and sanctity of thought. Step-step preparation and prayer facilities are as follows:
Preparation prayer include birth preparation and mental preparation. Preparation born include a sitting posture, breath and the attitude of the hands.
Similarly, the preparation of supporting facilities such as prayer clothes, flowers and incense while the preparation is mental tranquility and sanctity of thought. Step-step preparation and prayer facilities are as follows:
1. Asuci like First clean the body with a bath. Cleanliness of the body and affect the coolness born THE HEART
2. Clothes Clothing prayer time so that the cultivated clothes clean and not disturb the peace of mind. Clothes that are loose or tight, the garish colors should be avoided. Clothing should be adapted to local dresta, that does not attract the attention of people.
3. Interest and kawangen Kawangen interest and a symbol of chastity, so that cultivated flowers fresh, clean and fragrant. If the persembahyangan no kawangen can be replaced with interest.
4. Myrrh Apinya incense is simbul Sang Hyang Agni, witnesses and escort us to worship Sang Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara. Each yadnya cult and not escape from the fire. Incense should be put in such a way that does not endanger our friends around us. Done persembahyangan incense should be quenched and removed.
5. Seating Seat seat should be sought not to disturb the peace prayer. The direction is to sit facing pelinggih. Once completed persembahyangan earn standing with the tidy and polite, so do not disturb the people who are still sitting prayer. If possible to make the cushion such as mats and so forth
6. Attitude to sit Seated attitudes can be selected in accordance with the place and circumstances and not disturb the tranquility hearts. The attitude sits well for men is the attitude padmasana the segment is same sitting posture and body upright. Attitude to women is seated attitudes bajrasana the attitude bersimpuh sitting with two feet occupied heel. With this attitude into the body upright. Both attitudes are very good to calm the mind.
7. Attitude hands Attitude is good hands at the time of prayer is the ladle ing kara kalih the second palm dikatupkan placed in front of the crown. Kawangen dijepit or interest on the fingertips.
Precedence worship Precedence worship both at the time of prayer or worship together, led by a Sulinggih or Acting is as follows:
Precedence worship both at the time of prayer or worship together, led by a Sulinggih or Acting is as below:
1. Puyung worship (worship with empty hands) Mantram: Om Atma tattvatma suddha Good svaha. means: Om Atma, atmanya this fact, clean servants.
2. Sanghyang worship Sang Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara as Aditya Mantram: Om Aditisyaparamjyoti, rakta madeinitaly namo'stute, sveta pankaja madhyastha, bhaskaraya namo'stute
This means: Om, solar rays are most intense, Thou shining red, kindly on, You are in the midst of white lotus, Sincerely rays of the manufacturer.
Facilities interest
3. Ista worship God as God in the day and place persembahyangan Ista God means that God desired presence at the time of his worshipful devotee. Ista God is the embodiment of God in various peer-existent him as Brahma, Visnu, Isvara, Saraswati, Gana, and so forth. Therefore mantramnya various accordance with the God glorified in the day and place. For example, on the day of Saraswati who is adored by Saraswati Goddess Saraswati Stawa. On another day that glorified God with other stawa-stawa for another. In general, such as persembahyangan on persembahyangan day Purnama and Tilem, God is a glorified Sang Hyang Siwa is everywhere. Stawanya as follows:
Mantras: Om adhisthannaya name Deva, sarva vyapi vai sivaya, padmasana ekapratisthaya, ardhanaresvaryai namo namah
This means: Om, to the Gods reside in a place that inggi, to the Siwa sesungguhnyalah everywhere, to the Deity, which stayed in the seat as a lotus flower in one place, to Adhanaresvari, servants salute Facilities kawangen
4. Worship God as the Anugrah Mantras: Om anugraha Manohara, devadattanugrahaka, arcanam sarvapujanam namah sarvanugrahaka. Deva devi mahasiddhi, yajnanga nirmalatmaka, Laksmi siddhisca dirghayuh, nirvighna sukha vrddhisca
This means: Om, you are engaging, award presenter, gift of god, all idol worship, respect, in all thy gift giver. Kemahasidian Gods and Goddess, yadnya tangible, personal holy, happiness, perfection, a long, free from obstacles, kegem-biraan and progress
Facilities interest
5. Puyung Worship (Worship with empty hands) Mantram: Om Deva suksma paramacintyaya name svaha means: Om, respect, the Deity of the most highly possible that the unseen
Persembahyangan Once completed, please continue with Tirta and bija.
Ceremonies stated Wadani
Definitions: Stated means cleaning, Wadani means speech-speech / statement form the words. Wadani stated is the word of consecration. So stated Wadani ritual ceremonies are conducted at the time of purgation, a Hindu Religion.
The procedure stated Wadani ceremony. Making a letter of request consecration valid.
Ritual: Projects bebanten biyakala prayascita and tataban according to the (main). Projects Bhasma water sandal (medium). Projects of water, flowers, bija, (insult), Implementation is always accompanied by fire.
Mantram Om. Sa, ba, ta, a, i, na, ma, I, of, yes, Ung Ang Anyway. Om. |
posted by Bali @ 19.17  |
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Pura Luhur Jati Luwih |
In the interior forest Batukaru, in the height around a thousand meters, rimbunnya hidden by trees and mountain air dinginnya, stands a shrine that simple, Pura Luhur Luwih Eastbourne. However, the temple has a very special meaning for most citizens, Tabanan. In fact, the temple is feasible as stated extract Buana, as related to fertility and Zagat places apply for welfare. The history of this temple, according to folklore believed that truth is unique, what's that?
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Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih located in the area of Indigenous Village Buana Sarin, the Village Wanagiri, Selemadeg, Tabanan. Located in the middle of protected forest on the southeast side of Mount Batukaru back with a height of about a thousand meters above sea level, beriklim mountain cold, with humidity high enough.
This temple has been estimated to stand at the century-9 to 12 CE. To achieve the pamedek can point through the streets of Denpasar-Gilimanuk, turn to the right departments Bajera Pupuan Paddy Field-Wanagiri to reach the village of Indigenous Sarin Buana. From the village of Sarin Buana we must enter the forest more than 3 km with a slope of about 45 degrees to reach this temple.
Very few sources and notes reveal that the establishment of Pura Jati Luwih. Sources that can be collected through the expression of community leaders, stakeholders and shrines pelinggih-pelinggih there, and governance ceremony at the shrine are valid. Based on the accounts of the Jero Gede Mangku (I Wayan Menteg), which is believed to correct inherited by the people around, in the first period, the people living on the slopes of Mount Batukaru, especially in the area around the shrine, to the long drought, dry land farming does not produce. Community hunger by the events.
With the hope to survive, some people go to the forest to hunt and get some food. Some kawehan (a loss of view and have normal vision unseen) and see the rice paddy fields and become a beautiful house. By the grandfather who became the owner of the house and rice, the citizens are invited to stop by the house.
There, residents are hunting is given some piece of ear of rice seedlings gaga (moor) and leave the rice to be planted and developed in the village. After receiving rice seed, suddenly the grandfather disappeared instantly and a good home is now changed to bebaturan in the awareness that recovered from the hunter.
Seeds of rice was growing well and place in the bebaturan established pelinggih to mengupacarai after or before the yellow rice harvest. Pelinggih the given name Pucak Sari. Sari was Pucak temple shrine was established for the first penunasan Amerta. The place was marked with pelawa that is planted. Meanwhile, the village where rice seed is planted by people known as the Village Sarin Buana places that have meaning pollen extract Buana-core or essence of the earth to give the source of life and prosperity.
Jero Gede Mangku said, before the days of empire in Tabanan, Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih known as the Pura Luhur Sarin Buana, with the same name as a traditional village pengempon these shrines. Start at the time of the kingdom, Sarin Buana Pura name changed to Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih not to obscure the name Pura Sarin Buana with the name of the Village Tradition Sarin Buana.
Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih means that the temple is located at the top, at high altitude, that is really key, noble or good (luwih). According to the confidence of the local community, Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih also means holy places that are really good and always give of authenticity from the things that apply in this place.
In the travel history, it Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih renovations several times, so many archeological evidence lost. Seingat stakeholders temple, the restoration of knowing first do in 1971, followed by restoration both 1978 and the third restoration in 1993. Based on the story, the original form before pelinggih renovated bebaturan which is shaped with a stone menhir berundak stuck on the side of the side-altar worship space.
From an examination conducted by Bappeda including Tabanan concluded, the original building pelinggih Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih era stone building is a large (megalitikum) with the classical tradition of Hindu culture. Among the eight fruit pelinggih the park to the south facing only one that still shaped bebaturan until now the most pelinggih east to worship goddess Ida Pemutering Sagittarius (Ulun Sagittarius).
Pelinggih other temporary buildings have been replaced with a building that is pelinggih gegedongan gedong kereb two pelinggih as to the principal to Pucak The Kedaton and Pelinggih Agung Ida Batara Luhur Luwih Eastbourne. Meanwhile, five other shaped fruit pelinggih gedong sekapat makereb Mothers beruangan each one.
There is one pelinggih The Majapahit to form Padma Capak Alit, describes the shrine to the development process from one period to another period, from the ancient period until the influence of Java, which is estimated Mpu Kuturan period as the architect of the arrangement once the holy shrines in Bali.
Pelinggih unique throughout the building short-short, with different shrines in Bali that other high esteem. From the historical concept and worship in the temple, estimated Pura Jati Luwih built period Apaniyaga the Bali leur secusa transition period to period about the influence of Java century-9 to 12 CE. Historical form of inscriptions found in the village of Sarin Buana many Caka 1103, the days of King Jaya Pangus government.
Bookmark other evidence, there are also historical stored in the Pura village of Siwa Tradition Sarin Buana form of a stone pig-shaped head and several ceremonial gong and equipment such as bajra or bell. From the evidence, show Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih shrine, which is quite old with the characteristics of cults in the top of the mountain as purusa and ulun Pradana as Sagittarius. Community support has been recognized system of agriculture and settled in the village pakraman environment.
Since the first, the temple is built or diayomi directly by the Puri Agung Tabanan and pangenceng from the temple is Jero Subamia Tabanan that at the time of the kingdom as the King of Tabanan patihnya. (UPI)
Request Jejaton place''''
Pura Jati Luwih have a dual function, in addition to invoke safety and kerahayuan Zagat, also as a place to apply for the safety and prosperity in agriculture. Also as a place of safety ngerastiti apply in the food crops from pests and apply interference rain.
Penyungsung Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih in addition to the Traditional Village Buana Sarin, also Krama subak with the area that is large enough, consisting of five subak pekandelan and 35 pekaseh subak. Other special characters from the temple as this is the place to apply for sartana (jejaton) of rice when there are big ceremony. Jejaton in this area called the Tabanan nguwub.
Pura is still associated with the Pura Pucak Kedaton Batukaru and Pura Pucak Sari in the village of Indigenous Sarin Buana. In addition, Shiva Temples, which are located in the village of Sarin Buana is a place penyawangan storage and inheritance of property is still related to this temple. In the main theater of this temple, there are eight fruit pelinggih four buildings and holy as a buffer.
Pelinggih east is pelinggih most ancient form of worship to bebaturan Hyang Pemuterin Sagittarius. Pelinggih Gedong Alit Rong Pat Saka Tunggal to as The Mount Agung, next to pelinggih The same Pucak Sari.
Pelinggih main form of worship to Ida Batara Luhur Eastbourne Luwih form pelinggih Gedong Pat Saka Tunggal Rong, there are also pelinggih The Ida Batara Lingsir End in Pucak Kedaton Batukaru, Ida Ayu Padangluwah Batara, Batara Decline of Mount Ida, pelinggih Padma Capah cult Ida Batara Mas bitter. Also, there are still some other pelinggih.
It is interesting that there are in the middle of Jaba the form of former granary building bersaka four storage of rice from subak-subak penungsung used. About 400 meters from the shrine, there is pelinggih Beji Park, located in the northeast Pura Luhur Eastbourne Luwih with pelinggih form bebaturan with water spray from the exit bilahan stone padas.
For now, the planned rehabilitation will be done to the shrine is still a simple life with a barrier fence, no wall penyengker this. Penglingsir Jero Subamia IGG Putra Wirasana as penganceng must confess maintain the dots sanctity shrines and rehabilitation without the need to make the relics of ancient relics-existing. |
posted by Bali @ 19.17  |
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Pura Goa Giri Putri |
Pura Goa Giri Putri Venue Request Any blessing in the life of the people of Hindu Bali and Indonesia in general, can not be separated from the activity of religious rituals. Each day the ritual ceremony is always held, from the smallest level (the house) to higher (in the temple). Of course, with the hope of gain prosperity and welfare. With srada and devotion that is really sincere, holy, Nirmala, people certainly look forward to realizing the goal of living Moksartam jagatdhita ca ITI dharma. For the temple, the most visited locations that can be spread across Bali. Up to the outside Bali even overseas. How to Bali?
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In Bali, one of which is it's correct to Pura Goa Giri Putri. Right, if people tangkil apply to the shrine this gift born spiritual welfare, so cheap gifts, dipermudah road to success in the attempt, live peace, harmony and the harmony of household and the gift improvement apply human and other.
Goa is a place / hole, large or small, which is in the land, whether or diperbukitan mountains that have cavity with a certain length and width. Giri Putri, is the name given to a cave in the village Karangsari, Suana, Nusa Penida. Giri means hill / mountain. Shri meaning beautiful women. In the concept of Hindu teachings, is the daughter of a symbolic power for / kesaktian nature of God which has maternity (womanhood).
So, Goa Shri Giri intended as a hole that has a cavity, with the size of a particular space as a place bersemayamnya strength / kesaktian manifestasinya God in the form of a woman / beautiful woman called''Hyang Giri Putri''that no other is one of the strengths and saktinya Lord Shiva as the wujudnya.
Giri Putri cave is located at the height of 150 meters above sea level. Have approximately 310 meters long and there is a place of worship 6 / pelinggih. Before 1990, Goa Shri Giri is a cave used as a local tourist attraction, especially when Galungan and Jalandhar. In addition to the water in the Cave Park as the holy water / Tirta (primarily by people Karangsari) series with the establishment ceremony Panca Yadnya.
As a form of preservation and maintaining the presence of Goa Shri Giri persembahyangan place as well as tourist attraction, spiritual and cultural development, the idea pelinggih-pelinggih as a place to worship the deity who stayed at Pura Goa Giri Putri. There are six pelinggih and strength of God who stayed in the Cave Temples of Shri Giri Pelinggih Hyang Tri Purusa, Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki, Pelinggih Hyang Giripati, Pelinggih Hyang Giri Putri, Pelinggih Payogan and Pelinggih Hyang Amerta Shiva, Sri Sedana / Syahbandar Queen and the Goddess Kwam Im .
Not only that the piodalan on Purnamaning time, Pura Goa Giri Putri visited pemedek always solid every day. Moreover, Pura Goa Giri Putri entry in the list of the row of the shrine as the spiritual tourism objects in Nusa Penida. Not only Hindu nation, national officials also often pray at the Cave Temples Shri Giri, especially when there are activities in the district of Nusa Penida.
If tangkil to Pura Goa Giri Putri, while down in the parking lot and then cross the road, directly opposite pemedek with berundak-undak (stair) totaling 110 undak. Up above, the first meeting pelinggih (Pelinggih Hyang Tri Purusa) Padmasana a form that is exactly in front of the cave mouth.
Bendesa Pakraman Karangsari I Nyoman World, S.Pd. and the Acting Pura Goa Giri Putri Ketut Darma, the MBA said, according to the instructions noetic often received the Supernatural, which malinggih in pelinggih it is the strength of the Ida Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara in perwujudannya as Hyang Tri Purusa (Sidantha teachings of Shiva), which consists of Paramasiwa, and Sadasiwa Siwatma.
Paramasiwa means Nirguna-Brahman God that is in a state nirguna / holy, pure, without the influence of virtual affected. Immortal, not changed, not born, and not die, wyapi wyapaka nirwikara and others. Sadasiwa namely saguna-Brahman, the Lord is in the saguna (Almighty), a mystical, sacred and noble. While that is Siwatma God in the influence of the virtual resources or jiwatma life for all creatures.
Thus, the strength of the Lord be glorified in the first pelinggih namely Hyang Tri Purusa. Where, where anugrrah invoke the protection of all the negative, happiness and inner birth apply guidance in carrying out alive.
After praying at Pelinggih Tri Purusa, pemedek information entering the area Goa Shri Giri. The first impression for anyone who tangkil first time to this temple, will feel fear, suspicion and think it is not possible because when I see the mouth of the cave small size. Only one person can be passed only. However, the mind will sirna, when pemedek have entered the cave area. A small cave mouth will only be passed only about 3 meters. Moreover, pemedek will be surprised with the miracle that would not exist and that the hollow cave is very wide and high, estimated to be able to accommodate up to 5,000 pemedek.
Once passing through the tunnel, pemedek again find pelinggih second, namely, Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki the form of Sapta Petala. Hyang Wasuki is one manifestation of the Ida Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa with the nature of helpers, rescuers and pemberkah prosperity. Because Hyang Wasuki realized in the form of a scaly dragon berkilauan full of gold trinkets and pearl crown to the head.
Hyang Wasuki also always maintain the natural balance of the (country) for the safety and welfare of mankind and its mahkluk other. ''We the people of the Hindu tangkil in this pelinggih always apply the safety, peace and tranquility in the nation in general and especially the family,''said Mangku Ketut Darma.
After conducting persembahyangan in Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki, pemedek continue persembahyangan in the third pelinggih form Padmasana. Pelinggih this is the place berstananya Hyang Giripati / Shiva, Ida Penyineban Batara and pelukatan place.
In this pelinggih, before pemedek do persembahyangan, obliged to do pelukatan Dasa Mala with the first to apply Tirta pelukatan Ida Hyang Giri daughter, Dewi Gangga and Hyang Giri Pati to all the destitute klesa, sarva roga and things that are asuri sampat, both sekala and noetic can diruwat, dilebur and destroyed. ''After the procession pelukatan completed, the new persembahyangan done in the future Pelinggih Giripati to apply pasupati pelukatan born, so in our mind apart from the negative things,''timpal Bendesa Nyoman World.
Persembahyangan is pelinggih next four places, namely berstananya Hyang Giri daughter. Before the climb stairs, pemedek first pelinggih a form pengrurah Linggih Queen Ida Tangkeb sky as a guard Ida Hyang Giri daughter. Because, to be known, after pemedek in the area of noble Giri Putri, will be found Pelinggih Hyang Giri daughter of communicating with pelinggih Pengaruman as a place menstanakan symbols Goddess statues and a hair Sedana. The most unique pelinggih from this, namely the presence in the middle of the cave wall. To be able tangkil''and praying in pelinggih this, I must climb stairs (now made from car license plate),''said Ketut Darma stakeholders.
Dipelinggih this, pemedek can apply for the awards create expectations of life. Pemedek also can apply healing disease through sprinkling holy Tirta by stakeholders / tetua / pelingsir entourage that preceded the previous begged permission from Hyang Giri Putri, Hyang Tri Purusa, Hyang Giri Pati, Hyang Wasuki, Hyang Mahadewa, Hyang Sri Sedana and Dewi Kwam Im.
There are also Pelinggih Payogan. Pelinggih this form Padmasana, actually in a room with Shri Giri. The distance is about 7 meters. Appropriate name pelinggih this is where the contest Hyang-Hyang Shri Giri Giri Pati. Special place to do asceticism, yoga and meditation. People often mentioned as a wise place Niyang Queen Ida-Queen Kakiang. There is also a mention Linggih Ida Hyang Siwa in the Tri Purusa exist.
Persembahyangan in this place are generally conducted in the same place Hyang Giri Putri (ngayeng). Only, each is expected to hand pemedek canang essence or pejati. If you want to do pemedek diaphanous (meditation), are personalized pemedek. Type mantras used Shiva Astawa or seha accordance with the ability pemedek.
Finally, Pelinggih Hyang Amerta Shiva, Sri Sedana / Syahbandar Queen and the Goddess Kwam im. Pelinggih is in the southeastern tip, where pemedek can clearly see the sun exposure that seems to give the sacred torch of the shine the light Hyang Surya. Pelinggih in the area, there are two pelinggih form Padmasana place berstananya Deity / Hyang Siwa Amerta / Mahadewa and Gedongsari Linggih Ida Hyang Sri Sedana / Syahbandar Queen, Queen Ayu Mas toss and two statues Kwam Im. Everything is Gods Gracious, and refused to Penyayang, Assistant, Policy and the Wealth Deity-goddess.
In general, in this place is a blend of Buddha and Shiva-place award for pemedek apply born spiritual welfare, so cheap gifts, dipermudah road to success in the attempt, live peace, harmony and the harmony of household and the gift improvement apply human and other |
posted by Bali @ 19.12  |
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Pura Lempuyang |
Pura Lempuyang Madya,''Not only Sungsungan''Citizens Pasek, Pura Lempuyang Madya in Bukit Lempuyang, Fleetwood is not the only sungsungan (place of worship) residents Pasek. However, for all citizens and Pasek was appropriate given the trust mentioned in the bhisama to ngelingang (I forget) the existence of the temple since the first period. This disampaiakn Jero Gede Mangku Wangi, Tuesday (5 / 3) yesterday in Ibadan. What's the philosophy behind the majesty of the Pura Lempuyang Madya it?
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Pura Lempuyang Madya including Pura Dang Kahyangan. Questions and the status of the kasungsung shrines in the diyakinkan again by one of the local stakeholders Jero Mangku Wayan Rai is Ida Batara Mpu Agenijaya Mpu Manik and Geni. Where, Mpu Agenijaya masameton (with) seven, including Mpu Kuturan, Mpu Baradah Mpu and Semeru. Lempuyang Madya''such as Pura and Silayukti Tanjungsari in Padangbai, in which each temple is the place nyungsung Batara Mpu Kuturan and Mpu Baradah,''said Mangku Wangi.
It is said that people who have not understand the Pura Lempuyang Madya Pasek was owned by citizens or residents Pasek place of worship. Questions residents Pasek get the job ngelingang shrines, mentioned in the inscription as saying the following: Pasek, Tangkas, Muang Bandesa, we ayua numb ring chess Parahyangan (Besakih, Lempuyang, Basic Buana Gelgel and Silayukti). Pura Besakih in the intended, namely palinggih Mpu Semeru Caturlawa temple of Queen Pasek.
Questions residents Pasek in the inscription is given the responsibility of maintaining the temple, because the residents suspected that earlier in the Bali and trusted as one of the elements of the village administration (macekin).
Wangi and Mangku Gede Mangku Wayan Rai said, Pura Lempuyang Madya now in the process of restoration, as well as broadening the temple. Previous offal temple is very narrow because it is on the slopes, so that less representative membludaknya with thousands of people during pujawali. Where regular citizens ngaturang father (mutual assistance) of the split and move stones to development. Planned, all palinggih candidate kagingsirang (movable to the east) and now in the stage of building a foundation.
''After the development of new palinggih thorough and in-pelaspas, the Ida Batara kairing manggingsir to palinggih new. Meanwhile, the palinggih in the long-pralina,''said Mangku Wangi.
Building a large form that is already complete bale gong, while the service is not one (bathroom). Meanwhile palinggih are among palinggih bebaturan Linggih Batara Mpu Agenijaya about English Mpu Manikgeni, Gedong Tumpang Siki (one), two and three, Manjangan Saluang, Sanggar Agung, Pawedaan Bale, Bale and Pesandekan.
While the shrine associated with Lempuyang Madya, added Mangku Rai, namely, Telaga Sawang, upgrading and Lempuyang Madya Lempuyang Bisbis. In Pura Telaga Linggih Sawang is Tirta and pasucian Ida Batara. Based on the trust, after Ida Batara Mpu Agenijaya arrived and settled in Lempuyang, he mayoga in upgrading Lempuyang Madya with Mpu Manikgeni. It is said, pujawali in the Pura Lempuyang Madya every six months, the full moon kapat and sasih kedasa.
Rai Mangku hope, is still relevant in the restoration of the temple, a Hindu nation, which is expected to stay in Bali or outside Bali menyempatkan self ngaturang father or ngaturang Punia. Moreover, when pujawali later, the people themselves sedharma expected menyempatkan paprika tangkil do persembahyangan. This is not only safety, please pray themselves, family and community also regularity universe.
Keep Purification
On the other hand, Chairman Prof. MGPSSR Bali. Dr. dr. Wayan Wita present during the development of mutual assistance temple some time ago, stressed all parties maintain the sanctity local temple. It is expected that 10 km from the temple was avoided there are commercial buildings, such as villas or hotels. Still ponder how to make the rules, so that all parties can be.
Jero Gede Mangku Wangi convey the same thing. According to him, to keep the holiness of the temple not only avoid the cuntaka entrance to the shrine, but also keep dirt from the temple for example by avoiding sekala such as various types of waste. After the prayer, such as former saagan canang, the rest of incense is not abandoned, but all must collect and discard in place saagan (garbage).
During this''many people are not used, after the prayer saagan canang former or abandoned. It is expected that when people have been miningkat education, along with maintaining the sanctity of the temple to grow more,''he said.
Meanwhile, along the way, also is prohibited litterbug vain, especially plastic waste. Its addition to causing an impression of dirty (not holy), plastic garbage also damage soil structure. Moreover, the road to Pura Lempuyang a mountain slope and with the unstable soil, causing the plastic waste land to be easily damaged and landslides.
In addition to''not throwing garbage carelessly scribbled, do not take or disturb the flora and fauna. This is to avoid things that I desired. To the shrine also thought, word and deed must be purified. During this we can say the new tri-rich parisudha, but have not been able to perform well,''added Mangku Wangi.
He pleaded with the more concerned to the trust and in order to maintain the sanctity of the temple personality people. They desecrate the holiness of the temple, such as cuntaka enter the temple, the temple even if the public before the election or confuses. Also pitied the behavior of actors who throw dice Ida Batara, so that the gambling arena tajennya not digerebek police tajen held with the mask tabuh rah. Tajen deliberately held in front of the temple or near the temple, although there is no pujawali installed, but umbul-umbul or penjor. This name''damage the holiness of shrines and other people will laugh us. Let's introspective together, we now tri-rich implement parisudha,'' |
posted by Bali @ 19.12  |
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Ngembak Geni |
Ngembak Geni this DAY, Saturday, 8 March 2008 is the year 1930 for the New Caka Hindu nation. We say Happy New Year 1930 Caka, the new year with new hopes and new spirit that attached to them.
For the Hindu nation, new this year is certainly more meaningful special and more specifically from the perspective of religious upakara. Start of religious upakara Tilem Kesanga (Thursday 6 March 2008), Hari Raya Nyepi, Ngembak GNI (8 / 3) and peak piodalan in "months clean" Purnama Kedasa (21 / 3). Similarly, the transformation of self-climbing toward the spiritual, considering the replacement of the year category incoming replacement rah windhu - lap 10 annual reimbursement.
Transforming themselves spiritual ascent toward the spiritual-Revival, which then return to the prilaku Carey, calling some of them: honest to yourself and honest to others, the ability to control themselves better so that our private self and other people do not become victims of ahamkara we own, become more sensitive to the interests and feelings of other people, rambutan tolerance, fairness and even social solidarity, development of social empathy, clarity and sharpness of conscience intuition that the birth and responses prilaku Mulya in life, more able to lead themselves and lead the people Other accordance with the dharma it.
Honesty should be recognized that the process of transformation itself is not a simple matter. In the mastery level of understanding, orientation thinking, mood all the more prilaku in, in a period that is described very well by this country today celebrated WAS RENDRA.
RENDRA in his speech titled: "Megatruh relapse: Ghana sesorang Poet in response to Kalabendu", at the time received doctorate honoris causa in the field of culture from the University of Gajah Mada (4 / 3) revealed: Indonesia is currently experiencing a situation such as that described as a poet Ronggowarsito kalatida period and the period kalabendu. The power of the government there on the sovereignty of the people with policies that unprejudiced people to the small and the destruction of nature.
"Kalatida period is ridiculous because the sense diremehkan. Kalabendu The period is destroyed and damaged lives because of the value of governance and governance truth dijungkirbalikkan equally." This further raised the poet: "to exit from kalatida and kalabendu, Ratu Adil is not needed, but the law fairly."
Hurl criticism from the artists, which is a clever depiction of social sensitivity and awareness kesenimanannya, which is at once warning for children of people in this country. However, unfortunately, something longed for will be a fair law in the country, faced with the reality of bitter - bitter in law enforcement, which in the language of sociology akhli a law of this state in the form of "up law enforcement in this country virtually to collapse."
Without the need to be pessimistic in facing the challenges of the above, at a time without loss of alertness will prilaku destruktif in our environment and we are not vigilant, prilaku destruktif had emerged from ourselves.
Spirit new life in the Caka New Year 1930 is, in accordance with the dharma and Swadharma each of us in this Island of God, can answer a number of challenges, calling some of them: First, the political process is in progress (the process confuses the Governor of Bali), more weight decency, morality, intelligence, wisdom and statesmanship in prilaku even political, religious as the wisdom literature which is often used as a reference life. Prilaku political disgraceful; premanisme, menghalalkan all the way, money and politics should be avoided or rejected by the voters.
Second, the momentum in this New Year, should be used as a momentum to return to Swadharma each of us; lead themselves in a more correct lead before other people, keep ambiguity and even hypocritical life, buy back more noble accordance with kemulyaan life and life itself. Third, rebuild the economy of Bali together with the basic foundation: Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha, so that the economic reality more fair, destruction of the natural process stopped, and not many more victims of ruthless economic competition is the liberalization of the economy.
Building a new spirit in the Caka New Year 1930, we can refer string of Ajara Ethics SLOKANTARA translated and reviewed by Prof.. Dr. Tjok Sudharta, MA in Slokantara sloka 8 (31) of the People Saleh Pantang surrender, raised "righteous even though he is poor, he will not do illegal work. I tigers, although cut short his feet up, he will not want to eat the grass" .
In ulasannya Prof. Tjok Sudharta cite opinion rokhaniwan famous Swami Vivekananda: "Is there a strong willingness on the heart and determination that can tear down the mountain blockage, if all the world to rise with the sword unsheathed to melawanmu? Still jugakah dare you to do what is right? Children if your wife against and leave you, and if all the rights of yours so sirna and therefore if your name is not more flamboyant, Will you still stand in the truth. If you strive so kaulah son daughter needed by the nation and homeland. Kejarlah where you the truth, although under continue ex-citamu to the end of normal. Do not become a human being unmanly and will be false ideals " |
posted by Bali @ 19.08  |
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Kuningan |
Day of Kuningan today, Saturday Kliwon (2 / 2), the Hindu people celebrate the return rerahinan Kuningan, after Galungan celebrates ten days ago. Day-to-day religious celebration is important dimaknai fact, not only celebrated in a routine. For, many important meanings implied in the need to''dibumikan''in daily life. How do with the Kuningan? What must dimaknai celebration of the Masterton laden with symbols or niyasa upakara as Tamiang, endongan and so forth?
Hindu people should not stop on the implementation religious feast days, but memaknainya. For, there are many meanings contained in the religious celebration.
Lecturers IHDN Denpasar, the former Director General of the Ministry of Hindu Bimas Dr. RI. Wayan Suarjaya, M.Si. say, the ancestors make rerahinan so many people always remember to The Creator - Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and grateful His bounty. Through the celebration of religious feast days, people always remember menyamabraya charged - to increase unity and social solidarity. Moreover, through rerahinan people are expected always to remember the environment.
''To get upakara facilities, people must keep the environment (environmental hygiene). In addition to fruit, flowers and leaves (upakara facilities), people use Tirta (holy water) in the yadnya. Therefore, in this context, there are important messages that must be implemented in daily life, namely, the people must maintain the natural - do not contaminate the water,''he said.
But the fact is, many rivers have been polluted. Here's where to maintain awareness of the importance of nature. So in the context kekinian, the message that we can be picking from the religious feast day is a people must always remember God, maintaining unity, sensitive to the values of humanity and always maintain the natural environment. All that is indeed the implementation of the concept of Tri Hita Karana.
Symbol of Protection
In celebration of Kuningan, symbols upakara become typical as Tamiang and endongan. What it means?
Tamiang, said Chairman of the Bali Parisada Drs. I Ngurah girl Sudiana, M.Si. comes from the word which means shield deterrent weapons. As a deterrent, the symbol of protection have Tamiang. In addition, the Tamiang as a symbol of God Nawa Sanga, because nine points eyes wind direction. Tamiang also symbolizes the natural rotation wheels - cakraning panggilingan. Symbol is to remind people in the law of nature. If the community is not able to adapt to nature, or do not obey the law of nature, the risk will be wheel tergilas by nature. Through the implementation of Masterton, said Sudiana a lecturer IHDN Denpasar, the people expected to be able to rebuild a harmonious life (HITA) in accordance with the purpose of the Hindu religion.
In addition to Tamiang, in celebration of Kuningan, there are also meaningful endongan supplies. Provision of ply in most major life is knowledge and Bhakti (jnana). Meanwhile, the most powerful weapon is peace of mind. This peace of mind that can not be defeated by any weapon.
Ikang on pinaka witing sense, which means that the mind is the source of indria. That means the weapons pikiranlah the main and most powerful in the face of various problems of life.
When Sankey, Batara-goddess believed to descend from Kahyangan, and then back to the land. Therefore, people try to offer a Hindu ceremony sepagi-all, on the feast of Kuningan.
But the most important of all, said Asdir I program Religion and Culture, Science University of Hindu India (Unhi) Drs. Wayan Budi Utama, M.Si., Hindu, people have more to reinforce supplies (endongan), namely life sciences. Hindu nation must be superior in terms of quality, so have the bargaining position and win the global competition.
To improve quality, is the provision of education and senjatanya. Therefore yadnya in the education sector must be encouraged among the people. When possible, the government donated the funds to several villages pakraman percent allocated to investment in education or scholarships. Thus, Krama the poor in terms of the economy have the opportunity to improve the quality of its human resources. This was important for Bali to the front. ''If the human resources Bali really quality will have a bargaining position in the wider scene. Thus, the symbols are listed in the Kuningan must dimaknai wider again.
Through the celebration of Masterton, is expected Krama Bali Since we had more people to print more intellectual as much as possible, so that they can bring Bali better in many aspects, yes ... the natural, cultural, educational, economic and so forth,''he said.
Vice Rector of Student Affairs Dr. IHDN Derby. Elan Subagiasta said the same thing. Through the celebration of Galungan-Kuningan diisyaratkan people to unrelenting struggle against adharma to achieve success. In the context kekinian, people must continue to fight to eradicate poverty, Your illiterate, other than the struggle to control hallow themselves, and always leaving the tranquil mind. All that in order to achieve santha jagadhita or kerahayuan or the eternal harmony. Hopefully! |
posted by Bali @ 18.56  |
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Taksu |
Building a Life''Mataksu''
The existence of Pelinggih Kamulan Taksu in each Merajan as Batara Hyang Teachers for a Hindu family in Bali indeed contain values that are universal. Mataksu can see the aspects of life with a multidimensional view. Not something that is viewed from the perspective secular eyes only. Someone will be able to live mataksu what if the structure has the ideal self.
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The structure itself is the ideal in which the Atman as elements in tersuci can emit holiness through awareness Budhi penetrating intelligence in the mind and perfection indria. The ideal structure itself must be built since the man placed in the womb of the mother. Spirit and Chess miss considered as a source of taksu. Because the spirit Chess miss is the Atman.
Without the Atman stayed there in a mother of Chess could not miss any work. It is purely physical, which was built from five natural substance called Panca Most Bhuta. Distanakan in the Pelinggih Kamulan aspect is the spirit as the emission of Atman. Atman while in other Upanisad not from Brahman.
Kamulan Taksu is referred to as Bhatara Hyang Teachers. From the start it two pelinggih built mataksu life, means living with a broad view of the multi-dimensional. With Pelinggih Kamulan as Pelinggih Sang Hyang This means Atma Atman as a teacher as stated in Parwa vana.
Pelinggih Kamulan is stana Sang Hyang Atma, as stated in the Lontar Usana Gods and Lontar Wesi Gong. Kamulan position as stana Sang Hyang Atma is a sacred symbol for Hindus to motivate people to continually develop spiritual education in the family. Spiritual education is to give priority to the existence of holiness Atman in people.
Atman, which no other course is Brahman always exude holiness. But the jet sanctity Atman is often covered by darkness or avidia Budhi, and on indria like dark clouds cover the sun always shine. Therefore Budhi, and on indria must be purified with the sacred knowledge. Therefore, in Manawa Dharmasastras V.109 stated that''vidya tapobhyam bhutatma suddhyati''.
Atman means purified with the knowledge and holy initiation. This means that people always act like a teacher to get the claims Atman senantiasalah Hindu family in the developing life science based and self-control with the initiation. Thus hidupu will mataksu. Taksu will be lost if it does not follow the guidance of science holy. Receipt Bisma taksu lost when living in the Astina. Because every day disuguhi crime and the results of the food cooked by evil people. When it Duryudana as King Astina.
Food is the only way violate the sanctity dharma Atman not exude confidence that taksu be lost. Tapa Brata goal and Vidya is to educate, train and build indria, Budhi and on the media to emit a sacrilegious Atman. From the jet that would Atman sacrilegious taksu obtained. Palinggih Taksu in Merajan Kamulan it as a glorification of the spirit Spek Chess miss. Directly elements Chess miss that establish a fetus newborn baby.
In science education in the education of prenatal care means the education of children who are still in the womb of his mother. From children in the womb that have put the values of life intact, in good physical and mental and spiritual. After birth, he has brought redeem given to education so that later became suputra the mataksu.
With so very many ancestors have people call the Hindu Bali Merajan Kamulan it as a place to revere Batara Hyang Teachers. At that Kamulan have Merajan by the values of education that balanced education to build a sports and life balance.
In Nitisastra VIII.3 there is a stated obligation to bear the son of parents or called the Ametwaken. This is meant to contain a father and mother in preparing the birth of her sons is cooked through preparation, both physical and mental and spiritual. Moreover, the formation is the mother of the fetus in the womb.
The situation Chess miss such as stone-arinya, blood, Ezekiel Ryan lamas and it maintained with painstaking care. Maintaining the health of the mother that it contains a prime early childhood education to human later, he became the son that mataksu.
The existence of cults Batara Hyang Teachers in Kamulan Taksu is not merely to make the media only as a Hindu religious rituals that are purely formal. Behind that, there are messages that education is the fundamental place of worship that is called as palinggih Batara Hyang Teachers. Moreover, in the teachings of the Hindu known lifelong education through the teachings of Chess Hostel.
While still in the learning dharma Brahmacari Hostel order to get Vidya or knowledge about the skills to find sustenance in order to perpetuate this life. Boarding Grshastha education to be able to live independently. Independence is a characteristic that Grhastha.
Next time Wanaprastha Hostel run into advisory or mandatory sawacana gegonta continue to learn. When Boa should tread Sanyasa act like a teacher to release the Atman as well as to return to natural noetic. This is the concept of lifelong learning, according to Hindu teachings. The process of learning continuously is done correctly and precisely.
The process of learning the correct and proper in accordance with the phases of Chess Hostel. Each Residence rest assured that there appear more successful than the other. Thus, each will have Boarding figures mataksu. The education process this information in the family should continue to be moved through the cult Batara Hyang Teachers in Kamulan Taksu.
From Kamulan Taksu this education should be initiated to build and hold the balance of the material quality of life of physical and mental and spiritual learning continuously. Moreover, in the Reader Wrehaspati Tattwa 33 stated that there is one characteristic of a successful life is Adhyayana. This means learning continuously, do not ever finish learning. Next Tarka Jnyana means continually strive to practice the knowledge acquired |
posted by Bali @ 18.56  |
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Bersyukur |
Road thankful is the Most Comfortable Life Situation economy that difficult for most people of Indonesia, causing poverty to become more-so. Every day we hear is complaints and indignation. Kegalauan atmosphere and the commotion can not be avoided. Questions can only be a small skirmish. Restlessness occur everywhere, a situation that is causing a sense of gratitude increasingly remote. A poor and difficult, people have also sometimes forget to give thanks. In terms of both mistaken, all parties must actually be grateful in this life. For the hard-living, must be grateful because God has made being the most high rank among the other inhabitants. Every human being (man) has been given intellect (intelligence), indebted to weigh the good and not good. God has also bestow any religious people with a healthy mind, so that they can overcome their lives with as well.
Sarasamuscaya 3 - 4 lead us as follows: "therefore, not a one-time grieve; not even prosperous life; to be human is born, should make you share, for the very difficult to be born a human being, even though the birth of soulless ".
As a human being is the main figurehead; as such, because he can help himself from the miserable circumstances (birth and death repeatedly) path with ShoPPing; such benefits can become human. With gratitude we will always think that overrides any positive life. With gratitude we will also continue working to improve the road of life with this properly. Grateful means not just accept whatever fate befalling us, but still try and attempt to wave all this life. With courage, tranquility, prayer, work, and grateful for what resulted certainly can change our lives, that is difficult to be good and added that both will be better again. Do not be so human that is not grateful. Label: |
posted by Bali @ 18.56  |
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Karma |
"KARMA" means can do. Any act of karma is, can be interpreted as the result of the act, which meant that the psychic what is happening now is because of the deeds of past. In the east raised the philosophy that knowledge is the ideal destination or one's life and enjoyment of life is not a goal person. Is mistaken if we suspect that the joy is purpose in life, because of the many difficulties that befall a person in the world this is because of the mistaken ideas that kesenanganlah should pursue in. Every state, and grief, happiness and suffering is a teacher for us in the effort to get a knowledge from experience, then that will leave an impression that is different from the good and bad that will establish "a character or characters."
In each of the lives of people, certainly they have received lessons from the cares and not from joy, poverty and provide lessons that means more than wealth. All knowledge of both secular and spiritual, is in someone's mind. In many cases knowledge is not found because he was staying closed, when the cover is slowly in the open so we said, "we know", and on the progress of science caused by the progress of the process of opening the mind. People who Layers living tersingkap have called all people to know that (Waskita).
Great deeds can occur because of the mix-the mix of a small deeds, when we stand on the edge of the sea and hear the roaring water that mendampar stones or roller that big, the roller that consists of millions of waves small-waves, each creating its own voice, we just can not catch the sound, but when fused into one after we heard the thundering sound.
If we truly want to consider the nature of the character or a person, not only assess a remarkable job of doing, but we must pay attention when people are doing small jobs every day, because that can show people the real character. Indeed, most people who are always shows that he attributes in glorious though he is any place and characters that we can form early, because karma that we do now can affect the character of life in our future.
Indeed, the characters that can generate or manipulate the forces that exist in a person, if followed by a willingness, because as is karma, as the embodiment of the will. Those who have the willingness of workers is great. In the Bhagavad Gita explained "only someone with perbuatanlah it can obtain perfection, because it hendaknyalah the work done for the maintenance of the world." Deeds that they have done is determined by karma. No one will gain anything unless he is eligible, this is an eternal law. However, sometimes we do not think so, but the conclusion we must be convinced themselves toward the law. Karma provisions give us what should and what we can do. We are responsible for what we do, what we want, we have the will to become what we expect it. If any of our current livelihood as a result of our past, so this applies to the starters will be what we want in the future, we can form on time and do this now. We should be able to do it properly for the purpose of a more perfect, because as a birth is an opportunity that is the main allowing the mind to think that we can achieve the better to help ourselves from the birth of a repeated.
In the Bhagavad Gita explained that the work of karma must use intelligence and scientifically, with the understanding of how to work correctly for the largest. We should all know that the act or the work is mind transition from the existing, to awaken the soul.
Working for the sake of jobs, as expressed in the Bhagavad Gita that "the work done without a twist on the results will achieve the highest goals." If a work without the destination able to control the meaning of self-desire from the desire to get something, whether it will soon get something? Yes. Surely he will get the highest. No self-importance is the result of higher profits will be earned, only rarely do the patient. Working without self-importance will generate a large health also. Love, honesty and not be self-delusion not only in words empty, but welfare-welfare is indeed the ideal form of life that our honorable and noble, is located inside the power to be realized in the act. Anyone of us can expect, sooner or later the struggle of living the way we work through this, will surely time that all of us will be perfect all the time and that we reach a situation where obtaining an eternal bliss. |
posted by Bali @ 18.56  |
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Pura Tanah Kilap |
Pura Tanah Kilap is located in Br. Suwung, Pemogan - Denpasar. He berstana in the temple is the Queen Ida Bhatara Niang Sakti, which is very popular indulgent. The spirit of Bali Hindu people do not need to fade to religious ceremonies. So there is every ceremony of several Hindu shrines that are not foreign incursion into the Bali people. As the celebration of the Feast Pagerwesi Wednesday (2 / 6) yesterday. Some Pura in Kuta and the surrounding area visited by many people to do persembahyangan together. Such as the atmosphere in the Pura Tanah Griya Kilap, which is located in the east of Statues Dewa Ruci, Kuta. In fact, according to Made Sudiarsa, one of the guard vehicles parked there, residents have been busy since the start at 07.00 Wita. So the atmosphere is quite visible on krodit front of the famous Pura wheeling it. This related to the presence of Pura Tanah Kilap and Queen Bhatara Niang Sakti: Panic and stress. That is felt that teachers at SMAN 3 Denpasar, on Thursday (27 / 1) yesterday. The dozens of students kerauhan (hysterical) simultaneously, without cause. A hysterical, connected by the other students. The teachers also be at a loss to handle them.
Originally a student of pain because the consultation room to BK at around 08.30 Wita. While other students learn in the classroom, the students suddenly kerauhan outside the room. Cash only make the other students out of classrooms. But really, that these students are involved in a twig-hysterical sejadi happens.
Not only that hysterical students, teachers and school employees is also a hysterical. He is the Ati Ridana and Dayu Siang. Needless to both fast sadarkan themselves.
When all the students who gathered in hiteris this padmasana local school, more and more students become increasingly hysterical and-so. The atmosphere is increasingly not known. Finally dipanggillah Mangku Jero and Jero Dalem Sumerta Mangku Kenyeri and a number of Paranormal to handle them. Parents of students who have the power noetic also handle the students. To avoid the occurrence of a broader, the school, the students return early.
The word is out that kerauhan students from this school that citizens do not matur piuning system resapan when the water behind the school. Results of Bali Post, in this school shows ground bongkaran results for resapan rain water is still straggle. This is likely to make the wait in pelinggih angry about this big building.
Meanwhile, Jero Dalem Mangku Sumerta disclose the land the school is the first pelaba Pura Dalem believed that still need diupacarai. Paranormal while the other is to reveal the students entered the Queen Niang Sakti berstana in the Pura Tanah Kilap. Residents said the school also forget ngaturan rarapan each day in the pelinggih.
Head SMAN 3 Derby Drs. Elan Suyastra admitted to the stress and confusion that many such incidents. He gathered the teachers and employees to immediately take steps langah-prevention. The results of the meeting yesterday afternoon decided schools dismiss students for two days. In this two-day schools will perform a ceremony Teachers Piduka to restore power to the place of natural origin.
Because the curious, Thursday, yesterday, he also had nuur in one of the Paranormal in Panjer. Meanwhile, other teachers are asked to matur Ida Pedanda in Abiansemal to determine the type of ceremony and the right time to run the ceremony. However, Suyastra not rebut matur piuning before the project resapan rain water is carried out. However, he said, the staff forgot to replace canang pejati in the nyejer in padmasana.
''We have to evaluate themselves. This is a warning not to always act in a reckless,''he said. He pleaded not understand the system operation resapan rain water in the school one month later. Suyastra also eventually give deadlines to pemborongnya to complete this project within two days. ''In fact, they have kept their promise to complete the project molor one month,''he said.
Gen. kerauhan students also have occurred in SMKN 2 Denpasar, SMAN 6 Derby and last in high school PGRI 2 Denpasar. It all happened due to carelessness of citizens to maintain sanctity of schools in the main theater. (025)
Students still Kerauhan'''', Call Kasek Paranormal
Denpasar (Bali Post) -- High school students PGRI 2 Derby until Wednesday (13/10) yesterday that there is still only kerauhan. Students who kerauhan on the first day, come again because of fear at home. They are requested in the future pelinggih Ratu Sakti Niang to mapamit. Cash only hysterical shrieking filled with attractions that washing the face with tens of ember incense make other students infected.
However, the incident lasted only a short because Niang eventually would like Queen masimpen. Over the incident, Head of SMA PGRI 2 Denpasar, Drs. I.B. Made Wara bring four Paranormal from the Islamic and Hindu. Overall, according to I.B. Made Wara said that the location of this school is haunted and in pelinggih Queen Niang polluted places by burning garbage. In addition, the school has not been set pecaruan. Questions past, I.B. Made Wara land uses because the schools are still hiring.
After nunas baos to Ida Pedanda Braban, delinquent, according to the IB schools Wara Made in the full moon that will come will be pecaruan Rsigana. Pelinggih change once the Queen Niang Sakti with a new and better.
The school also will create a new pelinggih under the tree cambodia said the Paranormal as the most haunted locations. Cambodia two trees that are far apart and it body coil attached. Tree said this is part of the garden and pond goldfish Queen Niang Sakti. ''We are aware that this location is haunted, but also gave blessings. No school that is able to maintain the of kris Puputan delinquent five times in succession. This is also blessing for us,''he said. Therefore he promised to clean bhuwana majestic and bhuwana Alit in this school here and noetic.
Wednesday yesterday, I.B. Made Wara also report to the City Kadis Dikbud Denpasar Ngurah girl Yadnya proclamation as a result of this incident, which the students kerauhan forced diliburkan. Students who enter the afternoon also applied to the same atmosphere is conducive.
How do the students who entered the morning? I.B. Wara said still see further development. Because, to the noetic require patience and confidence that sincerely. The parents also asked to understand this condition, as a pinch so we do not until the rash.
During this''the parents understand the problems and even participate to help schools find a way out,''he said. (025)
At least 2,000 islands in Indonesia threatened because the sinking sea level rise due to climate change and global warming. For that, the government attempted to rescue action against small islands threatened by this. Meanwhile, a number of Krama Bali through the efforts noetic God to be spared from the Island of the threat of sinking.
The threat of sinking 2,000 islands around the 17,000 islands of Indonesia get the Minister of Public Works (PU), Djoko Kirmanto, said in a discussion at the Pavilion of Indonesia, arrived in Kuwait City in the arena changes IKIM and Global Warming (Global Warming), Nusa Dua, Kuta, South delinquent, Mon (10 / 12). Djoko Kirmanto, said not expanding, the islands which threatened sinking. What is clear, he said, the government began to take measures adaptation. "Around 2000 islands may be submerged due to global warming. Therefore, the government has made special actions against small islands," said Djoko. Djoko added, the government is also conducting research on the island of Nusa Penida, Gateshead, so it has been known that the impact caused by the increase in surface sea water. Furthermore, the Department of PU prepare vulnerability index Indonesian archipelago, especially small islands. PU department was formulating measures for mitigation and adaptation muffled threat 2000 sinking island is small. Mitigation, among other settings, green land, haul water conservation, and conservation and peat swamps. While adaptation measures, among others, to make disaster risk management and security management of water supply for food. In addition, said Djoko, the government also made poverty reduction programs in small islands, so they keep more natural buffer zone. On the other hand, Bali Island, also called it one of the islands in Indonesia, the split threatened as a result of global warming. It is estimated, 2030 future sea surface waters Bali will rise about 6 meters. At that time, some of the beach in Sanur, Kuta and will be submerged. Uluwatu Jimbaran area and, in the district of Kuta, South delinquent, it can be separated from the island of Bali, because of the narrow land around the Benoa sunken sea water. It diisyaratkan Hira Jhamtani, one observer environment that gives more attention to the island of Bali, said NusaBali in during the event arrived in Kuwait City, Global Warming in Nusa Dua, Kuta, South delinquent, on Tuesday (4 / 12) ago. "With mencairnya iceberg in the polar north and south poles (due to global warming), resulting in the increase of surface sea water. Analysis I and other researchers, (some) will tengelam Bali 2030 on the future," said Hira is also the world's climate researchers perubahaan . Following the threat of sinking some signal Bali this region, a number of steps to make Krama Bali freely. One of them, through the efforts noetic island of Bali to be spared from various natural disasters. Based on pawisik (noetic instructions) held in penekun spiritual temple Pura Tanah Narmada Kilap, Jamshedpur, revealed that the Queen Niyang Sakti berstana in the temple will be mapakelem in the south coast of Java, precisely in the coastal Parang Kusumo, Jogjakarta. Noetic behavior that work to the Queen earth Niyang Sakti kasultanan will be held on 16-19 December 2007 later, accompanied by hundreds of people, Hindu Bali. In addition, also accompanied 12 pinandita (frock), in which Ida Pedanda Gde Warrington and Ida Pedanda Gde Telaga (Seattle), Ida Pedanda Gde Putra Incurred (Kesiman), and Ida Pedanda Gde Gelgel (Belayu). According to pinisepuh temple Pura Narmada, Ida Bagus Mayun accompanied Mangku Aji Bajra, tirtayatra to Jogjakarta to apply to the safety Nyi Roro Kidul as the ruler of the southern sea, to maintain the shape and Bali islands. In addition, Mayun added, between Nyi Roro Kidul and Queen Niyang Sakti have kinship relations. For, in a historical noetic, Ratu Sakti Niyang comes from the land of Java. "Ratu Sakti Niyang want beranjangsana to the south coast at a time have to tell the palace in the temple Pura Narmada," said Mayun Pura temple in the Narmada, in a release received NusaBali, Monday. Meanwhile, Mangku Aji Bajra add, mapakelem series will begin with matur piuning Palace in Jogjakarta. After that, the Queen will Niyang Sakti masaneken Pura Jagatnatha in Bantul, Jogjakarta. The next day, the Queen will Niyang Sakti masucian Pura Beji in Parang Kusumo, the main persembahyangan in the coastal sea south of Java. According to the Mangku Bajra, mapakelem ceremony that the bebangkit facilities with chicken and duck selem (furry black). "Bebantenan the dilarung in the south coast as offerings to Nyi Roro Kidul," he said. Meanwhile, before returning to Bali, tirtayatra troupe will perform persembahyangan Pura Jagatnatha in Sidoarjo, East Java. "Arriving in Bali, we remain to offer offerings in the temple Pura Narmada, apply to awards Zagat Bali on Bali Krama always given the safety," said Mangku Bajra. Meanwhile, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) met the Democratic Party U.S. senator, John Kerry, in Bali, to discuss the Kyoto Protocol. During this, the U.S. is one of the countries refusing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. SBY meeting with the former March that the U.S. had to compete with President George W Bush was in during the implementation of the Global Warming arrived in Kuwait City, Fours Seasons Hotel in Jimbaran, Kuta, South Monday (10/12). "Kerry has a unique position in the senate and the U.S. government because he is the first of March had to compete with Bush in U.S. elections of 2004," said presidency spokesman Dino Patti Djalal This Install before the meeting yesterday. This meeting is part of efforts to strengthen RI-US relations, especially from the Democratic Party stronghold. "We have to make in the interests of a Democratic stronghold and U.S. relations RI also strong," Dino supplement. SBY-Kerry meeting also gave special emphasis to the Kyoto Protocol. For, politicians, including Kerry at the time that the U.S. rejected the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol, which contains the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases, the year ended 2012. President SBY, invites its own large industrial countries such as the U.S. following the new agreement that will be formed after the end of the Kyoto Protocol. SBY call it delivered in a meeting with Kerry yesterday. According to Dino, SBY stressed the need to have a world agreement to tackle climate change. "SBY Visit to the U.S. can become part of the new agreement," he said. Meanwhile, Kerry stated optimismenya if the U.S. will step forward and become part in the discussion, in order to produce an agreement pascaperiode the first Kyoto Protocol. "I believe the U.S. will be more step forward, become part in the discussions and produce the agreement that we can take part in it," Kerry said after meeting SBY. Kerry said, the U.S. has experienced many positive changes in handling issues related to climate change. "There are a lot of positive progress in the law in our country, efforts to reduce emissions and to take positive steps to tackle climate change," he said "I think, two years into the future we (the UNFCCC) will produce an agreement and I think the U.S. will become part of the ". Kerry added, the public are grateful to Indonesia for the warm welcome the council arrived in Kuwait City, Global Warming. "We have discussed the issue of climate change and environmental issues and other issues related to U.S.-India relations on the basis of equality of interests. And I feel happy with the results of the meeting," he said. |
posted by Bali @ 09.48  |
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Penjor |
a. Penjor is upakara must be included in each of Galungan, at the start of the embed and Dungulan Wage revoked on the Buda Kliwon Paang.
b. Meaning penjor: Thanks to the Almighty Bhatara westhampton which has been providing knowledge and prosperity to mankind.
c. Completed meaning and symbol-symbol: 1. Bamboo as a symbol for courage to berbhakti Ida Sanghyang shaula alnilam setianegara. 2. Bakang-shaped ornament bakang as a symbol Atarva Veda 3. Tamyang ornaments shaped as a symbol Same Veda 4. Sampyan ornaments shaped as a symbol Yayur Veda 5. Lamak ornaments shaped as a symbol Rg Veda 6. Hanging nutmeg, nutmeg and white lump-yellow as a symbol of prosperity and adequate clothing, food, housing 7. Ubag-abig as a symbol force dharma 8. Sanggah bill to place offerings form tegteg daksina PERAS ajuman
d. How to install penjor: Before penjor planted, so that the excavation pit with purified banyuawang fund the pit and then placed kwangen with money logam11 kepeng. Juntaian end penjor led to "teben" namely the West (Pascima) or Kelod (for the Buleleng, directions to the North / Uttara), so sanggah bill that tied the penjor to the "upstream", namely East (Purwa) or Kaja (for the Bulleng, direction to the South / Daksina). Penjor is planted on the left pemedal home / Sanggah Pamerajan / Pura. Every day penjor in haturi canang burat fragrant.
e. How to revoke penjor: All garniture penjor burned, and abunya inserted into the pit former penjor, then placed a takir contains pulp susuru (rice flour, honey, milk and three pieces of the loose digodok into porridge). After the pit dumped land. Penjor used bamboo can be used for other purposes.
Each Galungan Hindu community in Bali has been prevalent install penjor and placed on the right side of the gate. Penjor is the meaning of the facilities and have to worship Shiva with terhapat Hyang manifestiNya the distanakan in Pura Besakih. As a means of worship have penjor provisions of the religion.
Back in the PENJOR. Basic materials penjor mediate the bamboo pole is the symbol mountains. Bamboo pole this environment may be decorated with young coconut leaf and palm leaves. Then the earth contains many good results of coconut, rice, etc.. There are also endongan leaves, leaves and leaf plawa later. There are also lamak, sampyan, and other types of jejahitan. True penjor containing white mediate lambing sainthood. In short penjor have meaning offering gratitude people sympathetic to him for all his blessings and Rakhmat to mankind. Installation is penjor Galungan Bali for 1 month (35 days). After days Kliwon Pegatuakan Buda, the penjor is revoked.
Travel will be in learning the meaning of life in Bali is crucial. Branding the essence of Bali, a Hindu Bali that offer objects of culture, nature and environment that have the spirit of the spirituality of Hindu Bali with all the rituals of the sleepy. |
posted by Bali @ 09.45  |
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Siwaratri |
Siwaratri is a holy day for the cult to implement before Hyang shaula alnilam setianegara Wasa / God in perwujudannya as Sang Hyang Siwa. Siwaratri day has special meaning for humanity, because on the day beryoga Sang Hyang Siwa. In connection with the Hindu people carry out activities that lead to self-cleaning business, making the presence of mind to Hyang Siwa, in the business raises awareness of self (Atma atutur ikang KEVIN jatinya). This is realized with the implementation Brata form upawasa, monabrata and jagra. Siwarâtri also called pajagran holy day.
Definitions: 2. Implementation of the time. Siwarâtri fall on the day Chess tie Krsna force Magha month (panglong ping 14 sasih Kapitu).
3. Brata Siwarâtri. Brata Siwarâtri consists of: 1. Home, implement: 1. Monabrata (in silence and do not speak). 2. Upawasa (not eating and not drinking). 3. Jagra (guard, not sleeping). 2. Madhya conduct: 1. Upawasa. 2. Jagra. 3. DS, only implement: Jagra.
4. Ways of implementing the Siwarâtri ceremony. 1. For the Sadhaka accordance with dharmaning kawikon. 2. To Walaka, preceded by implementing sucilaksana (mapaheningan) in the morning panglong ping 14 sasih Kapitu. Ceremony begins on the day before the night with the following order: 1. Maprayascita as cleaning and inner thoughts. 2. Ngaturang banten pajati in Sanggar Surya persembahyangan accompanied to the front of the Surya Hyang, please His testimony. 3. To worship before the ancestral gods have sidha please help and tuntunannya. 4. Ngaturang banten pajati to Sang Hyang before Shiva. Alabama placed on the Sanggar Tutuan or Palinggih Padma or can be in Piasan in Pamerajan or Sanggah. If they do not exist, can also be placed on a place in the open pages that are considered reasonable and followed by prayers directed to: - Sang Hyang Siwa. - Dewa Samodaya. After the prayer followed by nunas Tirta pakuluh. Last masegeh is under in the face of Sanggar Surya. Siwarâtri series of ceremonies, closed with implementing the funds Punia. 5. While the process is still ongoing in order to conform upowasa and jagra. Upawasa held in the morning and panglong ping 14 sasih Kapitu until tomorrow am (24 hours). After that night until (12 hours) can eat white rice contains salt and drinking water. Jagra since the start panglong ping ended 14 hours a day tomorrow 18.00 (36 hours). 6. Persembahyangan as in the number 4 above, done three times, namely in the days before the night panglong ping 14 sasih Kapitu, in the middle of the night and morning before the next day. |
posted by Bali @ 09.44  |